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Tashkent opens the SCO Public Diplomacy Center

2019-01-30 | SCO

The Public Diplomacy Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has been established in Uzbekistan.

A briefing dedicated to areas of activity, goals and objectives of the center was held.
The forum was attended by members of the Senate and deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of ministries and agencies, the diplomatic corps, international organizations, civil society institutions, the mass media.
The address of the SCO Secretary-General Vladimir Norov to the participants of the event was heard.
Opening of this center in Uzbekistan once again confirms the country’s commitment to further strengthening cooperation with the SCO member states through effective use of public diplomacy mechanisms.
Currently, a number of state and public organizations of Uzbekistan contribute to the effective operation of the center. This is confirmed by the fact that the center’s founders are the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Culture, Higher and Secondary Special Education, Physical Culture and Sports, the State Committee for Tourism Development, the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Arts, Youth Union, Creative Union of Journalists, Writers Union.
In its activities, the center will focus on expanding cultural-humanitarian ties with the SCO member states, mutual visits of delegations, creating necessary conditions for development of friendly ties between civil society institutions, including youth and women’s organizations. The center will closely cooperate with the mass media in the issues of formation of information resources aimed at preserving the rich history, cultural heritage, traditions of people, prepare information-analytical materials in various areas and regularly publish them.
Presentation on tasks, activity areas, work plan for the current year of the SCO Public Diplomacy Center was held at the event.
Memorandums of cooperation were signed between the SCO Public Diplomacy Center and the Development Strategy Center, as well as the OSCE Office in Uzbekistan.

Ulugbek Shonazarov, UzA
