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Maintaining active investment policy is a priority task for the current year

2019-01-17 | Society

The National Press Center hosted a press conference devoted to summarizing activities of the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Foreign Affairs, International Economic Relations, Investments and Tourism in 2018 and priority areas for the current year.

It was noted that the committee submitted 20 laws for consideration of the 14th-17th plenary sessions of the Senate, 5 hearings of the heads of ministries and agencies were held.
Last year, the committee organized events with participation of representatives of the expert community and foreign experts, which resulted in development of appropriate roadmaps and proposals on government programs.
Control over the attraction of investments in the city of Tashkent is one of the main tasks of the committee.
The Senate held 117 meetings with foreign partners, organized 47 visits of members of the Senate to foreign countries, during which 6 documents were signed.
At the event it was noted that this year it is planned to organize official visits of the heads of foreign parliaments to Uzbekistan, in particular, the heads of parliaments of Russia, Belarus, Spain, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, listen to presentations of strategies (roadmaps) on development of bilateral cooperation with foreign countries, prepared by the ambassadors of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries, studying implementation of legislative acts related to activities of the committee.

Nurillo Nasriyev, UzA

Source: UzA
