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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: People should live in houses with modern conditions

2019-01-11 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited a modern residential complex in Qorasuv district of Samarkand city.

Taking into account the high demand for housing in the city of Samarkand, the corresponding program of 2018 provided for construction of additional apartment buildings.

In 2018, 32 seven-storey houses for 1,344 apartments were built here. In addition, 12 five-storey houses were built for military, employees of internal affairs, emergency situations, National Guard and young families.

At the same time, a private kindergarten, a department of internal affairs, a complex of trade and consumer services, Registon supermarket, and a secondary school for 540 children were built in the district.

Thus, a modern residential complex has been created here in a short time. New houses have all the amenities for living.

The Head of the state visited new apartments, where families of Jasur Tursunkulov and Jamshid Kattakulov were having a housewarming, and talked with the owners.

Presentation of housing construction projects in Qorasuv district for 2019, in particular, apartment buildings erected by Agromir Buildings Company in a monolithic method based on modern Turkish technology, was held.

The President noted the importance of housing for improving the lives of people and the infrastructure of the region.

– Samarkand should be the center of tourism. Therefore, we will increase construction of apartment buildings. We will build the most modern buildings in the city center. Before construction begins, it is necessary to determine in advance the buyer of the apartment, the apartment, floor, and how many rooms he intends to purchase, – the Head of the state said.

Samarkand has a seismically favorable location, therefore the need for construction of apartment buildings in the centers of Kattakurgan, Urgut, Pakhtachi, Narpay, Kushrabat districts was noted.

Source: UzA
