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“Zakovat” publishing house launches modern typography

2019-01-09 | Society

“Zakovat” publishing house of Kasansay district in Namangan region, which has been carrying out successful activities for several years, launched a modern typography.

“Zakovat”, “Kino plus TV”, “Interfootball”, “Intersport” newspapers, established by the publishing house, have an important place in the country’s print market.
The head of the company, entrepreneur Akhadkhon Abdulkhamidov, created a typography at the publishing house based on a leasing agreement in order to expand printing activities, and installed modern equipment worth 31,800 USD. Currently, new equipment is being tested. In particular, the first issue of the city khokimiyat’s publication, “Namangan sadosi” newspaper has been published here in the New Year.
– Before implementing this business project, we visited India, China, South Korea and studied advanced experience in printing industry and new technologies of these countries, – A.Abdulkhamidov said. – As a result, 11 types of printing equipment were brought from India and China. A modern four-color printing machine capable of printing 60 thousand copies of newspapers per hour is among them. Other equipment prepares cliches for printing machines. This equipment gives the opportunity to print 12-meter banners.
About 30 new jobs were created with commissioning of the new typography. When the typography will start working at full capacity, there will be no need for regional editorials to go to other regions for printing their publications.

Akromjon Sattorov, UzA
