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Main tasks for development and implementation of investment projects are defined

2019-01-09 | Politics

On January 8, a selector meeting on the issues of accelerating the implementation of investment projects scheduled for the current year was held via video conferencing under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

It was attended by members of the government, the Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent, heads of diplomatic missions of the country abroad.
An active investment policy is among the most important conditions for achieving stable economic development. In this regard, at the initiative of the Head of the state, 2019 was declared in the country as the Year of Active Investments and Social Development.
The Investment Program for 2019 includes more than 3 thousand projects worth 16.6 billion USD. This is 16 percent more than in 2018. In particular, within its framework it is planned to commission 140 production facilities worth 3.2 billion USD.
At the meeting, issues of timely and qualitative implementation of these large and important projects were discussed.
As it was noted, as a result of active work with foreign countries and investors, foreign direct investment accounts for 25 percent of their total volume. In particular, this year it is planned to allocate 4.2 billion USD within the framework of 320 projects involving foreign direct investment.
The President noted that the most important task of the government should become the unconditional implementation of projects involving foreign direct investment, providing comprehensive assistance to foreign investors. It was noted that it is necessary to stop the practice of postponing the development of the main part of investments in the last months of the year and bringing the development indicator in all sectors and regions to at least 35 percent in the first half of the year and 70 percent in the first nine months.
Tasks in this sphere were analyzed in the context of complexes of the Cabinet of Ministers. Spheres and sectors in which the share of foreign investment has decreased compared to the last year were named. Instructions were given on attracting additional investments by the end of the year, especially in spheres and regions with high demand for foreign direct investment, ensuring control over the development of these resources.

Source: UzA
