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Uzbekistan Aeronautics Federation celebrates 2nd anniversary

2019-01-05 | Society

On January 6, Uzbekistan Aeronautics Federation celebrates its 2nd anniversary. Large-scale activities were carried out by the Federation in a short time.

325 tethered flights were carried out with the support of the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. More than 2130 people took part in the flights, of which about 500 are children, including 200 children from orphanages and low-income families, children with disabilities. 17 free flights were carried out over historical places of Uzbekistan. The Federation took part in over 30 major international and national events.
As reported by the Press Service of the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2018, 4 Pilot tethered hot air balloons were prepared. The 1st Expedition “On a balloon along the Silk Road” was held together with partners from Switzerland.
The Aeronautics Federation, along with several other NGOs, is included in the structure of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development, and receives institutional support.

Source: UzA
