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Meetings with the delegation of the People’s Republic of China

2018-12-18 | Society

Delegation of the People’s Republic of China led by the President of China Association for Friendship Chen Zhimin arrived in Uzbekistan.

On December 17, the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting with members of the delegation.
Chen Zhimin noted that China and Uzbekistan are good neighbors, partners and friends, which contributes to development of relations in all areas, praised the transformation in the country.
At the meeting, issues of cooperation for 2019, within which it is planned to exchange experts in the field of cybersecurity, conduct training on issues of public diplomacy and interethnic harmony in society were discussed.
At the meeting with the khokim of Tashkent region G.Ibragimov, views were exchanged on new opportunities opening up within the framework of cooperation on “One Belt, One Road” program.
Chen Zhimin noted that Tashkent region was accepted as a full member of the alliance of the Great Silk Road cities, which included 43 cities and regions of foreign countries and 6 cities of China, located along the Great Silk Road. He handed the corresponding certificate to the management of the region.
At the meeting in Tashkent city khokimiyat, successful cooperation between sister cities Tashkent and Shanghai over 25 years were discussed. A number of cultural events are scheduled within the framework of celebration of this date. The city khokimiyat was also awarded the certificate of the alliance of the Great Silk Road cities. Issues of bilateral cooperation and prospects for 2019 were considered.
Members of the delegation also met with the Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rector of the Academy of Public Administration Rustam Kasimov. At the meeting, which was held in a friendly atmosphere, historical roots, the current state and prospects of Uzbekistan – China relations were discussed.


Photo by Otabek Mirsoatov, UzA
