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Cooperation in nanotechnology develops

2018-11-26 | Tech

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the State Investment Committee S.Kholmurodov met with the Executive Chairman of Rusnano company A.Chubais, in Samarkand.

Rusnano was founded in 2011 on the basis of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies and implements the state policy in the field of nanotechnologies in the country. It invests in implementation of high-tech projects for production of modern products and services.
Today, research centers and 95 enterprises with participation of Rusnano investments are operating in 37 regions of the Russian Federation. Shares of the company are fully at the disposal of the state.
At the meeting, information was given on the work carried out in the country in the sphere of using nanotechnology. Issues of cooperation with Rusnano in this direction were discussed. The parties received answers to all their questions.

G.Khasanov, photo by A.Isroilov, UzA
