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Effectiveness of reforms on public education system development is considered

2018-11-02 | Education

On November 2, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on issues of organizing effective implementation of the planned reforms on further development of the public education system.

To bring the system of upbringing and education to a completely new level, the Head of the state adopted the Decree “On additional measures of improving the system of public education management” of September 5 and a number of resolutions.
From September 1 of this year, wages of school managers and teaching staff, the number of which is over 450 thousand, have been raised. A system has been introduced for granting preferential loans to employees of public education for purchasing houses, land, household appliances, livestock and cars. A special state award for teachers has been established. The practice of attracting them to other jobs, conducting unreasonable inspections in schools was discontinued.
As a result of these measures, in the current year the system of public education was replenished with 16 thousand young personnel with higher education. Almost 13 thousand male teachers returned to schools.
At the meeting, the President noted that the field faces many challenges, the level of providing schools with textbooks, quality of curricula, work on increasing knowledge and skills of teachers, eliminating staff shortage, expanding opportunities for learning foreign languages still does not meet the requirements.
At the meeting on further development of public education system, the slowness in the work on automation of the educational process in the system, introduction of electronic form of services for enrollment and transfer of students, organization of private schools on the basis of public-private partnership was noted. Necessary measures in this direction were discussed.
It was noted that at present the level of knowledge and qualification of school teachers in general does not meet the requirements. 65 thousand workers in the system out of more than 422 thousand teachers have special secondary education. The number of teachers of the highest category is only 11 thousand.
The real need for additional teaching staff exceeds 3 thousand people. In particular, there are not enough teachers of English, Russian language and literature, primary classes, computer science, and mathematics.
In this regard, the Ministry of Public Education, the Center for Secondary Special and Vocational Education, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations have been instructed to develop comprehensive measures for filling vacancies, supporting, encouraging and raising the qualifications of teachers ready to work in remote areas.
Issue of improving the quality of educational and methodical literature and textbooks is also relevant. Two months have passed since the beginning of the school year, despite this the schools have not received 33 thousand textbooks for the 3rd, 5th, and 8th grades. Unfortunately, mistakes are often made in textbooks.
On this basis, instructions were given on ensuring the solution of issues in this direction.
At the meeting, chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on November 2, attention was paid to the state of school buildings, their material and technical base.
After the transition of schools to 11-year education, the number of students increased by 1 million. Currently, 138 school branches do not have their own buildings, student enrollment ratio is exceeded in 55 branches.
Construction and repair work envisaged by the investment program should be completed in 35 schools as soon as possible. It is required to deliver to schools more than 5 thousand units of teaching and laboratory equipment in physics, chemistry and biology, 43 thousand sets of educational furniture.
The President noted the need for speedy completion of construction and repair work in schools, equipping them with centralized investment funds.
Instructions were given taking into account the needs of the regions on the transfer of vacant buildings of colleges and lyceums under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Education before the end of this year, as well as on transforming local schools into full-fledged schools by January 1, 2019, providing schools with buses.

Source: UzA
