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Sergeants’ forum

2018-10-26 | Society

The Youth Press Club in Tashkent hosted opening ceremony of sergeants’ forum, which will last until October 27. It is organized in order to strengthen combat readiness of the National Guard units and improve professional skills of sergeants in achieving high military discipline.

Commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhodir Toshmatov and others noted that systematic work is being carried out in Uzbekistan on further strengthening soldiers' pride in service, courage, patriotism, love for Motherland and devotion to the ideas of national independence.

Creation of special military structure within the system of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, capable of ensuring public and state security, protecting population from various terrorist attacks, criminal and other illegal actions, the National Guard plays an important role in ensuring peace and tranquility in Uzbekistan, prosperous life of people.
The forum is attended by the chairmen of sergeants' councils of the National Guard units, their deputies, contract sergeants and soldiers, state awards holders.

At the opening ceremony of the forum, opinions and concrete proposals were expressed regarding the organizational structure of the National Guard, its military-combat status and further improvement of the level of spiritual-moral training of sergeants.


Davron Sunnatov, photos by Farkhod Abdurasulov, UzA
