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Joint Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian countries

2018-07-23 | Politics

On July 20-22, 2018, a meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian countries was held in Cholpon Ata city, which was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Abdrakhmanov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic E.Abdyldaev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan S.Muhriddin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Kamilov and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan B.Myatiev. 

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Central Asian countries: 
In order to implement the agreements reached during the working (consultative) meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia on March 15, 2018 in the city of Astana, at the initiative of the Kyrgyz side, in a friendly atmosphere, discussed the state and prospects of development of regional cooperation, issues of ensuring security, borders, transport and transit communications, using water and energy resources, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian cooperation, including interaction of the Central Asian countries within the framework of international organizations. 
Emphasized the importance of the upcoming regular consultation meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia in the city of Tashkent in March 2019 in order to further deepen and expand regional cooperation. 
Welcomed the existing positive dynamics in the process of international legal registration of state borders between the Central Asian countries, intensification of interregional and cross-border cooperation in the region. 
Noted the need for further development of cooperation in combating international terrorism and extremism, illicit drug trafficking, transnational organized crime and other challenges and threats to regional security, including within international and regional organizations. 
Emphasized the need for creating favorable conditions for further strengthening trade and economic ties, growing mutual trade. 
Expressed the opinion that promotion of intra-regional investment cooperation is important for business activity between Central Asian countries. 
Confirmed that the expansion of transit possibilities of the region will contribute to strengthening economic cooperation, developing transport infrastructure and launching transit freight traffic through transport communications of the region’s countries. 
Advocated for the integrated use of water and energy resources in Central Asia and emphasized the importance of developing sustainable long-term mechanisms for mutually beneficial cooperation in this area, taking into account the interests and needs of all the states of the region. 
Noted the cultural, historical and linguistic community of peoples of the Central Asian countries and confirmed their commitment to further interaction in the field of education, culture, art, science, tourism and other spheres. 
Expressed confidence that the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Central Asian countries, held on July 20-22, 2018 in Cholpon Ata city, will give an additional impetus to further development of regional cooperation based on traditions of friendship, good-neighborliness, mutual understanding and trust among people of the five Central Asian states. 
Agreed to continue the political dialogue at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian countries for discussing the state of regional cooperation and determining the prospects of their further development. 
Agreed that the next meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian countries will be held in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Source: UzA
