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Khokim of Khorezm region meets with youth

2018-07-16 | Society

Acting khokim of Khorezm region F.Ermanov met with youth.

Executive Director of “Yoshlar – kelajagimiz” Fund, who took part at the meeting of khokim with youth B.Bakhrombekov informed that the Fund will provide soft loans and a lease with a rate of 7 percent per annum, issue guarantees on loans obtained within the framework of the State Program, amounting no more than 50 percent of loan amount, organize retraining and advanced training of youth, training business skills and professions demanded in the labor market for implementation of business initiatives, startups, ideas and projects through commercial banks.
At the meeting, issues of increasing socio-economic activity of youth, their involvement in entrepreneurship, implementation of promising ideas and projects of young entrepreneurs were discussed, problems impeding young people’s employment were studied.
Heads of relevant organizations were given tasks on resolving young people’s problems.

A.Shokirov, UzA
