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Tashkent to host International Television Festival

2018-07-04 | Culture

On October 4-7, this year Uzbekistan will host a major international television festival. International television festival “TEFI Commonwealth” is held among TV workers of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the near abroad. 

“TEFI Commonwealth” in prestige is not inferior to other large festivals dedicated to this sphere held in the world. The International Television Festival was founded in 2011 and is stimulated from the very beginning by the Humanitarian Cooperation Fund of the CIS member states and the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications of Russia. 

This festival is held every year in one of the CIS countries, the purpose of which is formation of a common information space of the Commonwealth countries. The theme of the festival is diverse. A council of experts is formed within the framework of the “TEFI Commonwealth”, master classes are held with participation of experienced specialists in the sphere, current problems of modern television, creative work are discussed, round tables are organized. Following the festival, the winners are awarded special prizes. 

At the “TEFI Commonwealth – 2017” festival, held in Minsk last year, the documentary film “Speed of the Quarter Century: Surkhandarya” of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan was awarded a high recognition. 

Currently, preparations for the festival have begun by the Academy of Russian Television Fund in conjunction with partners from Uzbekistan. The deadline for submission of creative works to “TEFI Commonwealth – 2018” has approached. This year, the theme of the festival will be “Motherland image: time, place, fate”. 


Malokhat Khusanova, UzA
