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New approach in the national army

2018-06-28 | Society

The Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Defense and Security Issues held a roundtable discussion on “A new approach to providing the national army with potential personnel: problems and solutions”. 

To date, more than 284 thousand students of secondary education schools are studying the subject of initial pre-conscription training for youth. 

It was emphasized that today it is necessary to apply a new approach to providing the national army with high potential personnel. 

At the event, such issues as reforming military education, improving the quality of training, retraining and advanced training of national military scientific, pedagogical, military-technical, managerial and engineering personnel were discussed. 

Academic lyceums and vocational colleges were assigned additional tasks on preparing graduates for admission to higher military education institutions, but work in this direction is not carried out effectively by district departments for defense affairs. Coordination of planning and timely implementation of measures for initial pre-conscription training does not correspond to the proper level. 

At the event, the senators discussed in detail the issues of eliminating such problems and shortcomings, further improving the efficiency of staffing the national army with potential personnel. 

Following the roundtable discussion, relevant recommendations of the committee were adopted. 


Nurillo Nasriyev, UzA
