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15 winners of the first Olympiad

2018-06-26 | Education

The awarding ceremony of winners of the International Mirzo Ulugbek Olympiad in Physics and Astronomy, which took place on June 19-23 in Samarkand among 10-11th year students of secondary schools, was held. 

Representatives of Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan took part in the international competition organized on the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan. At the first International Olympiad, 45 talented schoolchildren from these countries demonstrated their knowledge. 

On June 23, the results of the International Mirzo Ulugbek Olympiad were announced at Samarkand State University, the winners were awarded. 

Representatives of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the khokimiyat of Samarkand region, the judiciary board of the Olympiad noted the great interest to this competition, which is held for the first time, the high level of organization of all processes. 

According to the results of the Olympiad, which was held in two stages, in the competitions in physics the gold medal was won by a member of Uzbekistan team, a student of the academic lyceum of Namangan State University Umidjon Hafizov. Silver medals were won by Temur Tinichbekov from Kyrgyzstan, Islam Amangeldi from Kazakhstan, our compatriots Otabek Khasanov and Abdurakhmon Nosirov. Six more students won bronze medals on this subject. 

In competitions on astronomy Iriskeldi Anarbekov, a student of Physics and mathematics specialized school of the city of Bishkek of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, won the gold medal. A silver medal was awarded to a member of Kazakhstan team Janibek Amankul, bronze medals – Dustmamat Bozorkulov from Uzbekistan and Yerjhan Kenes from Kazakhstan. 

In total, representatives of Uzbekistan won 6 medals at the Olympiad, representatives of Kazakhstan – 5, representatives of Kyrgyzstan – 3, representatives of Turkmenistan - 1 medal. 

It is planned to hold the traditional International Mirzo Ulugbek Olympiad every two years. 


Galib Khasanov, photos by Alisher Isroilov, UzA
