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Uzbek silk: important tasks at new stage of reforms

2018-04-17 | Economics

Preparation of cocoons of a silkworm three times a year is applied in Uzbekistan’s practice for the first time. The first season is planned for April, the second – for May, the third – for August.

This was reported at a press conference organized by the International Press Club at “Uzbekipaksanoat” association. 

As deputy chairman of the board of “Uzbekipaksanoat” association Olim Jumayev noted, it is planned to procure 330 thousand boxes of silkworm eggs and get 18 thousand tons of cocoons for one spring season in the republic. According to the received data, there are 43.9 million individual mulberry trees in the country, and the total plantation area is 43.4 thousand hectares. In the autumn period of 2017 and in the spring of 2018, 30 million seedlings were planted, in addition, 13.3 million seedlings were brought from China for intensive cultivation. 

As results of the first quarter of 2018, enterprises for processing of cocoons have produced industrial products worth 165 billion sums and consumer goods worth 19,7 billion sums, as well as 683,3 tons of natural silk, 1 034 thousand meters of silk fabric. Volumes of export in 2017 amounted to 37.6 million dollars, and in the first quarter of 2018 – 9.6 million dollars. 

– We are witnessing the beginning of a new stage in development of silk industry in Uzbekistan, – says F.Alimjonov, a representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). – At the Uzbek-European Silk Forum held in Vienna at the end of the last year, a number of agreements were signed between Uzbekistan and a number of international organizations, as well as leading companies for processing and design of silk. In accordance with them, the Asian-European Silk Forum was held in Bukhara on April 9-13 this year, with participation of representatives of international organizations, financial institutions, the diplomatic corps, as well as large investors. Mutual proposals, as well as opinions were expressed there on the achieved results, prospects and best practices in the silk industry of the republic. It was noted that joining of Uzbekistan into the International Sericultural Commission of the United Nations is yielding good results in this. 

At the press conference it was noted that if before the organization of the association the level of supplying raw materials of the cocoon processing enterprises operating in the sector was 17 percent, then as of January 1, 2018, the raw material supply reached 54 percent.


Mokhigul Kosimova, UzA
