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Business forum will strengthen cooperation

2018-04-13 | Economics

Bukhara hosted Uzbek-European silk forum and a show of national clothes made from natural silk.

Uzbekistan ranks third in the world by volume of cocoon production after China and India, and per capita – the first in the world. In 2017-2021, due to an increase in production of cocoons by 2 times, as well as the volume of silk production through organization of deep processing of raw materials by almost 8 times, it is planned to increase the annual output of the industry to 11.2 million meters. 

In the silk-breeding sector of Uzbekistan, it is planned to implement a new project. The main goal is a comprehensive increase in the efficiency of the industry, in particular, the laying of high-yield intensive mulberry plantations, the study of modern know-how and experience in feeding of silkworm caterpillars, harvesting products, drawing strings from cocoons, manufacturing and exporting qualitative fabrics. To implement the project on improvement of the entire chain, increase the export potential, create new jobs in rural areas and sources of income, in cooperation with the OPEC Fund for International Development, its grant resources will be used. Within the first stage of the project, it is planned to achieve significant results in development of the sphere, then, on the basis of achieved success, to assist neighboring states and economic partners – Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in development of the silkworm industry. An important role in this will be played by participation in activities of the Eurasian Association for Silkworm Development, the head office of which will be located in Tashkent. “Uzbekipaksanoat” Association and Italian Silk Association will join this organization. 

At the forum it was noted that establishment of cooperation between Uzbekistan and European countries will be mutually beneficial for both sides. 

Participants visited the Uzbek-Chinese joint venture “Bukhoro brilliant silk”, watched the production process. They also got acquainted with the project of the makhalla of silkworm-artisans, which will be organized on the territory adjacent the enterprise. Here the craftsmen will be engaged in preparation of cocoons on traditional methods, produce fabrics of raw silk with the help of wooden tools. It is also planned to build a hotel on the territory, to provide other services, which will contribute to development of tourism. 

The guests also visited the Chinese industrial park, that is being organized by “Bukhoro brilliant silk”. This enterprise with the project cost of $27 million will be put into operation next year. It will be able to paint annually 7 thousand 800 tons of silk and other fabrics. In addition, it is planned to organize Eurotechnopark near the park. Italian partners are invited to cooperate in this direction. 

The guests also visited the ancient sights of Bukhara. 

The khokim of Bukhara region U.Barnoyev delivered a speech at the event. 


Erkin Yadgarov, UzA
