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Education: results of cooperation

2018-04-12 | Education

Scientific-educational event “Days of Kazakhstan education in Uzbekistan” was held at the Youth Center of Navoi. 

At the event, organized by the regional khokimiyat, the World Association of Kazakhs, Navoi State Mining and Pedagogical Institutions, representatives of thirty universities of Kazakhstan told the youth about their activities and areas of education. 

Deputy khokim of Navoi region F.Soliyev informed about activity of the Kazakh national cultural center operating in Uzbekistan, measures on strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. The representative of the World Association of Kazakhs K.Sadirbayeva, Vice-rector of the Academy of Transport and Communications of Kazakhstan U.Kuttibayev and others emphasized that the announcement of 2018 in Kazakhstan as the Year of Uzbekistan is a manifestation of deep respect for people of Uzbekistan. 

In Uzbekistan, the worship places are being improved, where the best sons of Kazakh people found their last refuge. Particularly, improvement of Seytkula avliya and Ayteke Bi mausoleums located in Navoi region is a vivid example of noble work for the sake of harmony and cohesion of the two nations. More than 80 general education schools with Kazakh language of training are operating in the region, where children of Kazakh nationality are studying. 

– Currently, 4 thousand students from Uzbekistan are studying in universities of Kazakhstan, – says Vice-President of "Center for international programs" JSC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z.Torebekova. – During the days of Navruz, a trip to Uzbekistan was organized for 18 gifted Kazakh boys and girls. Such events contribute to the exchange of experience, rapprochement of the youth of the two states. 

Memorandums of cooperation were signed between Navoi State Mining Institute and seven universities of Kazakhstan. 


Nuriddin Rakhimov, photos by Siroj Aslonov, UzA
