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Khoja Ilgor village for the first time widely celebrates Amir Temur’s birthday

2018-04-10 | Society

The 682nd anniversary of the great statesman Sahibkiran Amir Temur’s birth is celebrated in Uzbekistan in a new way: in high spirits, in harmony with reforms that are being implemented in the country. 

April 9 began in a special way in the ancient village of Khoja Ilgor, where Amir Temur was born. Residents of districts and villages of the region, compatriots from various regions of the country, foreign tourists arrived to the place where the Amir Temur park is being built in an area of 7 hectares.

Next to the future park, there is the most fertile and historical corner of the village – an ancient well, associated with the birth of the great commander. Visiting session of the International Press Club on “Khoja Ilgor: a newly acquired history is a new tourist route” was held here, organized jointly with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Committee for Development of Tourism, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, the khokimiyat of Kashkadarya region, the National TV and Radio Company, Uzbekistan National News Agency.

Celebrations were held in the form of a national festival. Stage design, handicraft products, demonstration of folk games, folk performances, composition, recreating the era of Amir Temur, yurts made a great impression on the audience, especially foreign tourists. 

According to preliminary data, more than 20 thousand people took part in the event. Participants got acquainted with the exposition reflecting life and arms of Amir Temur’s army, had the opportunity to try special dishes that were prepared for soldiers and join the traditions and culture of people, watched the wrestlers’ contest.

Historical events related to the life of Amir Temur, starting from the moment of his birth, childhood, and youth until the liberation of the homeland from invaders, the foundations of the state, important philosophical aspects of the country’s leadership, were transferred in the form of theatrical productions.

Within the framework of the event, the khokimiyat of Kashkadarya region and the International Press Club presented books to the library of Varganza village of Kitab district. 


Ulugbek Asrorov, photos by Jamshid Norkobilov, UzA
