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Professors and teachers from Israel visit Tashkent

2018-04-04 | Education

Delegation of Holon Institute of Technology (Israel) visited the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. 

Guests made presentations for students of physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry departments, held joint round table discussions, scientific-practical conferences. 

International scientific conference on “Contemporary problems in mathematics and physics”, held in October 2017 at the National University of Uzbekistan, served as an imputes for further development of Uzbekistan – Israel cooperation in the sphere of education. It became even stronger after a visit of a group of academics and professors of the National University of Uzbekistan to higher education institutions of Israel and participation in a number of scientific practical conferences on February 13-20, 2018. 

Members of the delegation conveyed sincere greetings from the President of Holon Institute of Technology Eduard Yakubov and noted that he always proudly remembers how he graduated from mathematics faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan 50 years ago. 

Students of physics department heard interesting reports of the head of the innovation centre of Holon Institute of Technology Yakov Damatov, lecturer of the faculty of sciences Michael Kiperberg and head of master’s department Boris Lembrikov. Israeli scientists answered to students’ questions in detail and highly appreciated the level and thirst for knowledge of Uzbek youth. 

Israeli guests were impressed by laboratories of physics faculty, as well as high-tech center of the University. 


Inobat Akhatova, UzA
