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“Nurli kelajak” exhibition opened at Uzexpocentre

2018-03-14 | Society

“Nurli kelajak” (Bright future) exhibition has been opened at Uzexpocentre.

Responsible employees and specialists of the sphere, enterprises producing food products, furniture, didactic games, toys, sports and medical equipment, musical instruments, cutlery and light industry goods are taking part at the event, organized by the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the press conference, State Advisor to the President R.Kosimov, Deputy Prime Minister K.Akmalov, Minister of Preschool Education A.Shin and others noted that at the initiative of the Head of the state, priority attention is being paid to issues of improving the gene pool of the nation, radical reformation of preschool education system, upbringing healthy and harmoniously developed generation.

Many legal documents adopted for development of this part of the education system serve as an important factor in strengthening material-technical base of preschool education institutions, further increasing the coverage of children, improving quality of educational process, expanding network of non-state preschool education institutions, material support and stimulation of personnel.

"Nurli kelajak Expo – 2018" exhibition is one of the practical results of this work. Its main goal is to create conditions for purchasing food for children of preschool education institutions directly from manufacturers, as well as thorough study of the quality, shape, design, convenience, modernity and safety of games and toys, furniture and others.
Conditions for familiarization with activities of about 300 enterprises, companies and business entities are created in the pavilions of the complex.

Since February 1, 2018, direct contracts with district preschool education institutions have been concluded as an experiment for supplying of business entities’ ready meals to state preschool education institutions of Tashkent. Delivery of food in catering system is established in Almazar, Sergeli and Chilanzar districts. Within the framework of the experiment, measures are also being taken on implementing organization procedure of healthy food in kindergartens of other regions.

International relations are developing in preschool education system, best practices are being studied. Cooperation with specialists from South Korea has a special place. At the exhibition, visitors can become familiar with activities of South Korean companies on production of toys for intellectual development of the child “Mega Education”, on manufacturing environmentally safe and comfortable furniture for children “Parangsae”, private kindergarten “Dream Kindgarten”.

The exhibition also contributes to creation of a transparent and centralized system of catering services for children of preschool education institutions, establishing procurement system of high-quality food products in compliance with pricing policy.

Within the framework of the two-day event, master-classes on cooking dietary food for children will be held by the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan.


Nazokat Usmanova, photos by Alo Abdullayev, UzA
