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Bodybuilding Open Championship in Nukus

2018-03-13 | Sport

Nukus hosted Karakalpakstan Bodybuilding Open Championship. 

More than 70 athletes competed in 13 weight categories in the contests, organized by Karakalpakstan branch of Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation of Uzbekistan. 

Athletes from Bukhara, Navoi, Tashkent, Andijan, Jizzakh and Khorezm regions participated in the championship. 

Representative of Karakalpakstan Ilkhom Mirzamurodov took the first place. The second place was won by Nursaid Ergashev and the third place – by Alikhan Rakhmetov. The fourth place went to Islom Serjanov and Zafar Shukurullayev. 

Winners were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts from organizers, as well as cash prizes. 

Gold medalist of the International Tournament “Arnold Classic – 2018”, absolute champion in bodybuilding among amateurs, member of Uzbekistan national team Mikhail Volinkin was the guest of the championship. 


Anvar Nasirlayev, photo by Maksad Khabibullayev, UzA
