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A gift of the President was presented to citizens’ gathering

2017-12-16 | Politics

Recently, a meeting of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev with deputies of Jokargy Kenes and activists of the Republic of Karakalpakstan was held in Nukus. 

At the meeting, the Head of the state noted that it is necessary to pay special attention and direct all aspirations to the consistent development of regions and industries, timely resolution of vital problems of the population, as well as creation of decent living conditions for them. 

During the meeting, the President of our country gave instructions on providing the most remote territory of Kungrat district – the citizens’ gathering of “Karakalpakstan” village with an official car for effective work in improving the territory of the makhalla, ensuring the welfare of the population. 

Today, chairman of Karakalpak republican branch of the “Makhalla” charity fund Tadjibay Ramonov handed the President’s gift – the keys from the “Nexia” car to Kutli Kushimbetova, the chairman of the village citizens’ gathering. 

Aminbay Artykbayev, UzA
