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Increasing exactingness, strengthening order and discipline–the main factors of ensuring success of reforms

2017-11-29 | Politics

On November 28, a meeting on issues of improving activities of the Cabinet of Ministers, enhancing its effectiveness, strengthening the personal responsibility of the Prime Minister and his deputies, heads of departments, ministers, chairmen of committees and companies was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister and his deputies, state advisors to the President, heads of ministries, departments and economic associations. 

The President of our country noted that large-scale reforms are continuing consistently in all sectors and spheres of society. Positive results are achieved due to self-sacrificing work of our people. At the same time, there are many pending problems concerning the population. People want a good and worthy life not tomorrow or in the future, but today. That is why we need to accelerate the ongoing reforms, further improve their quality and efficiency, said the Head of our state. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, deeply analyzing the issues introduced in the agenda of the meeting, noted that such facts admitted by the majority of leaders as the weakening of order, discipline and responsibility, inability to organize their work on the basis of modern demands, indifferent and negligent attitude to their official duties negatively affect the overall effectiveness. 

The year of our activity will end soon, the time has come to report to the people, who have pinned great expectations on us and expressed confidence, to show them our practical deeds. Activity on the basis of a new approach, the ability to live with concerns and aspirations of ordinary people, manifestation of self-sacrifice and responsibility for the entrusted task should become the main criterion of activities of leaders and responsible persons of all levels, said the Head of our state. 

We must openly admit that we have not yet achieved the results that people have outlined and are waiting for. A resolution of the President “On additional measures of improving activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted on November 27 in order to intensify this work, raising it to a new level. 

In accordance with this resolution, the executive structure of the Cabinet of Ministers was reorganized, new complexes and the ministry were established in order to ensure effective and productive work of deputies of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of structural subdivisions of the government, increase their personal responsibility. 

The resolution introduces the posts of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Head of the Complex on the issues of investment, innovative development, coordination of activities of free economic and small industrial zones, tourism, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Head of the Complex on the issues of education, healthcare, ecology, environmental protection, physical culture and sports into the structure of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan is also established. 

Speaking about the reasons of these important changes, the President of our country drew particular attention to the following issues. 

Firstly, it is necessary to radically change the forms and methods of solving the most important and relevant issues of development of branches of the economy, social sphere and regions of the country. 

Secondly, it is necessary to pay even greater attention to the solution of vital problems of each region, each family and each citizen on the basis of the results of dialogues conducted during the current year with representatives of various strata of the population in the regions, cities and villages. 

Thirdly, today, life itself requires the replacement of leaders at various levels due to the failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to them, inability to achieve the necessary result, appointment of selfless and devoted young people with modern knowledge and qualifications to responsible posts. 

The Head of our state noted that the comprehensive development of Uzbekistan, raising the level and quality of life of our people is primarily inextricably linked with the widespread introduction of science, high technologies, and modern innovative developments into practice. The Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been established for this purpose, said the President of our country. 

Our generous country has terrestrial and underground wealth, human resources, highly qualified personnel. However, unfortunately, this colossal potential is not realized effectively and rationally. 

At the meeting, such issues as ensuring sustainable development of economic sectors, including the implementation of a tight monetary policy, intensification of activities of free economic and small industrial zones, wide attraction of foreign investment, establishment of modern industrial enterprises and new workplaces, expansion of the revenue base of local budgets, formation of an effective tax policy, targeted use of budgetary funds, improvement of the system of state statistics were thoroughly considered. 

The Head of our state also touched upon the tasks related to issues of education, healthcare, ecology and environmental protection, culture and art, physical culture and sports, youth and women. 

At the meeting, the President of our country gave corresponding instructions on further consolidation of the achieved success on the basis of an in-depth analysis of activities implemented in the current year, taking all necessary measures for not repeating the mistakes made, as well as on specific tasks identified for the first quarter of 2018.
