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A person who loves people, is also loved by people

2017-11-07 | Politics

The 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov is widely celebrated in our country

A tree with strong roots rises high up. People, who know and value their history, have high authority, a great future. 

Our country has won respect and recognition in the world due to the fact that it pays tribute to the memory of the deceased, recalls their good deeds, exalts their blessed names. These are our national values. 

Resolution of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov” of March 27, 2017 became a bright reflection of activities carried out in this direction, the national pride. 

On November 6 – on the birthday of Sharaf Rashidov, solemn events dedicated to his anniversary were held in Jizzakh. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev attended the events. 

The opening ceremony of the monument to Sharaf Rashidov, erected in the center of the city of Jizzakh, was held. 

The event was attended by members of the Senate, deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, members of the government, representatives of state and public organizations, labor veterans, writers and artists, residents of the region, our compatriots fr om the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent, foreign guests, and youth. It was also attended by relatives of Sharaf Rashidov, his friends, colleagues and students. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a speech at the ceremony. 

The Head of our state spoke about life and activities, high human qualities of Sharaf Rashidov, his great merits for the benefit of our people. 

Sharaf Rashidov was born on November 6, 1917 in the city of Jizzakh. He studied at Jizzakh Pedagogical Technicum, at the Faculty of Philology of Samarkand State University. He started his career in a newspaper of Samarkand region, became an editor of the newspaper due to his profound knowledge and abilities, while studying at the university’s final year. 

Participated in the Second World War, in 1942, returned after being injured. At the age of thirty was appointed editor of the leading edition of the republic of that time – “Kizil Uzbekiston” (“Red Uzbekistan”) newspaper. 

Sharaf Rashidov is well known as a poet, writer and publicist. His poem “Border guard”, a collection of poems “My anger”, the work “Poem of two hearts”, such novels as “Stronger than the storm”, “The mighty wave”, “The victors” are known. A talented writer was elected chairman of the board of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan in 1949. 

When he was appointed head of Uzbekistan in 1959, he was just over forty. Sharaf Rashidov devoted himself to this extremely responsible post for almost a quarter of a century. 

It was a very difficult, contradictory time. Sharaf Rashidov fulfilled his filial duty to people in such conditions with honor. 

Development of Mirzachul, Karshi, Yazyavan, Surkhan-Sherabad steppes, creation of gardens and food crops on millions of hectares of virgin lands – these were the measures aimed towards the future. These cultivated areas are serving the well-being and prosperity of our people today. 

During the period of Sharaf Rashidov’s leadership, new cities such as Navoi, Zarafshan, Yangiyer, Gulistan and others appeared on the map of Uzbekistan. A large-scale construction and improvement work was carried out in all regions of the republic. Construction of a variety of facilities – plants, factories, hospitals, higher educational institutions, schools, laying of roads, development of mines are associated with the name of this person. 

During this period, Tashkent turned into one of the most beautiful cities in the East. This was especially evident after the earthquake in Tashkent. Today, the metro, the Palace of arts “Istiklol”, “Uzbekistan” hotel, Tashkent TV Tower are the decoration of our capital. 

Sharaf Rashidov was a very modest, generous man. He could find a way to everyone’s heart. 

An outstanding statesman also established a large school of management. Wisdom, justice, diplomacy of this person and at the same time his simplicity served as an example for all leaders. 

Sharaf Rashidov was a very intelligent person. He also taught deep life lessons and knowledge to his children. His children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are working fruitfully in various spheres. 

The economic growth of the republic decreased after the death of Sharaf Rashidov. This became, first of all, the result of an ill-conceived policy at that time, finally, the loss by people of their authoritative, experienced leader, without whom our republic was turned into an experimental site. 

Sharaf Rashidov was a representative of his era, served the system operating at that time. However, with his death, this system betrayed him, insulted his memory, pursued his relatives. 

After Islam Karimov became the head of the republic, historical justice was restored, the good name of Sharaf Rashidov was justified. At the initiative of the First President of our country, his 75th anniversary was widely celebrated in 1992. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted in his speech at the ceremony that one good turn deserves another. 

As a result of attention of the Head of our state, respect and esteem are shown for people who have made a worthy contribution to the prosperity of the country and people, tribute is paid to their bright memory. A great work has been implemented in this direction over the past year. The memory of Islam Karimov in Tashkent and Samarkand, Iskhakhan Ibrat in Namangan region, Komiljon Otaniyozov in Khorezm region, Ibraim Yusupov in Karakalpakstan, Erkin Vakhidov in Fergana, Abdulla Aripov in Kashkadarya, Muhammad Yusuf in Andijan has been immortalized. Centers, creative schools named after these people have been established. A memorial complex dedicated to the memory of Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya has been opened in Jizzakh. 

A wide celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman, the famous writer Sharaf Rashidov, who selflessly served the prosperity of our country, made a great contribution to the development of national literature and culture, pleased all our people. 

Large-scale preparation for this event was carried out in Jizzakh. The alley of Sharaf Rashidov in the regional center has been reconstructed. Over 20 species of trees imported fr om Belgium, such as mountain pine, birch, tulip tree and others, have been planted on the territory. A color fountain with a diameter of 24 meters is installed. 

“Uzbekistan” hotel next to the alley is also reconstructed. The “Buston” and “Navruz” complexes located on its two sides have been thoroughly renovated, modern conditions for holding large forums have been created. 

At the event, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan O.Salimov, labor veteran I.Djurabekov, cosmonaut V.Djanibekov, labor veteran K.Kamalov, academician S.Rashidova and others shared their memories about Sharaf Rashidov, talked about his life and work. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and daughter of Sharaf Rashidov Sayyora Rashidova opened the monument to Sharaf Rashidov. 

The National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan has sounded. 

Flowers at the monument to Sharaf Rashidov were laid. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the memorial museum of Sharaf Rashidov, the construction of which was completed on the eve of the jubilee, got acquainted with conditions created here and the presented expositions. 

At the entrance to the museum, the words of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev that there is no doubt that the name of Sharaf Rashidov is difficult to imagine in isolation from the history, life of people of Uzbekistan, are imprinted. Sharaf Rashidov was a devoted son of his people and country. The facade and interior of the museum are decorated in traditions of national architecture. An opportunity of showing films about activities of Sharaf Rashidov is created in the conference hall. 

There are more than 2700 exhibits in the museum, which tell the story of the life and work of the outstanding statesman and writer. The exhibits in the museum are presented in ten sections devoted to the childhood, student years, period of journalistic work, active participation in development of steppe and virgin lands in Uzbekistan, in the process of construction, socio-political and literary activities of Sharaf Rashidov and other themes. 

There is a railway car next to the museum, which Sharaf Rashidov used during the state service. The interior of the railway car is kept in its original form. 

The museum should provide full information about Sharaf Rashidov, said the Head of our state. We must constantly organize excursions of students to the museum, conduct various events. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev left a record in the Book of honored guests. 

There are the following words in it: “The great son of our people, the outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov was a self-sacrificing leader, a unique personality... 

His great merits will forever remain in the memory of our people. 

I am convinced that the memorial museum of Sharaf Rashidov, which is starting to operate in the city of Jizzakh today, will serve to such a noble goal”. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the memorial complex created in Jizzakh in memory of Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya. 

The Head of our state during the trip to Jizzakh region on April 27 of this year noted the need for wide propaganda of the literary heritage of the great poets Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya, bringing the essence and philosophy of noble ideas in their works to the youth. 

The alley of Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya created on the initiative of the President of our country, the boarding school named after them, specialized in in-depth study of the Uzbek language and literature, as well as the museum show unlimited respect for the devoted son and daughter of people of Uzbekistan. 

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 23, 2017, a 4-storey modern building of a specialized boarding school for in-depth study of the Uzbek language and literature named after Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya was built and put into operation in Jizzakh. Spacious and bright rooms, a 100-person dormitory, a dining room, an assembly hall will serve to worthy education of the younger generation. 

A museum was organized for wide promotion of the literary heritage of prominent figures of our literature Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya, in a historical monument – Khoja Nuriddin madrassah, which is located in Jizzakh. The building of the madrassah has been radically reconstructed for this, its historical appearance has been restored, the dome part is covered with a mosaic facing. 

The idea and essence of the museum’s exposition are formed on the basis of the work of the President of our country “We will build a great future together with our courageous and noble people” and opinions expressed during the creation of the alley of Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya, the boarding school. 

The Head of our state gave instructions for further landscaping of the alley named after Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya, improvement of the museum’s activities, strengthening the material and technical base of the boarding school. Laid flowers at the foot of the monument to the poets. 

Jizzakh regional musical drama theater was reconstructed at the level of modern requirements in connection with the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman, famous writer Sharaf Rashidov. 

The facade of the theater building is revetted with a modern cover, stained-glass windows are installed, and the sidewalks are laid with ceramic tiles in the process of large-scale activities carried out here. A majestic fountain is erected in front of the theater, rare ornamental trees and flowers are planted on the territory. 

The heating and ventilation systems, water and electricity networks, seating in the auditorium for 550 seats, stage lighting devices, sound amplifying equipment are renovated, necessary conditions in dressing rooms are created. 

The President of our country, inspecting the theater building, noted that this modern center of art became a great gift for residents of Jizzakh region during the celebration of the anniversary of Sharaf Rashidov. 

The activity of the creative team of the theater should now be felt by residents of remote districts of the region, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. To do this, it is necessary to increase the potential of the creative team, work on creating theatrical works at the level of today’s requirements. People’s interest in the theater should be increased, and their spirituality should be educated through this. 

Instructions were given on development of a model program for 2018 with the aim of increasing the role of the theater in spiritual and educational life of the region and organizing its effective work. This program will include such issues as support for artists, erection of a 7-storey residential building for them, improvement of qualifications of actors and directors, dissemination of the creative atmosphere of the theater for children’s schools of music and arts of the region. 

A memorial evening and a concert program dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov was held in Jizzakh regional musical drama theater. 

The ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

Senators and deputies, representatives of state and public organizations, writers and poets, cultural and art figures, relatives of the writer, veterans, youth, and admirers of literature attended the memorial evening. 

Sharaf Rashidov was not only an outstanding statesman, but also a great master of the word, a talented translator, a connoisseur of the human soul. His works “Kashmir song”, “Poem of two hearts”, “Call of the heart”, in which youth, spring, beauty, kindness, love for the Motherland are sung, took a worthy place in the treasury of national literature, art films, stage productions were created based on a number of works. 

In accordance with the resolution of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov” of March 27, 2017, this date is celebrated with great solemnity throughout the country. The events reflect the love and appreciation of our people for the great writer, the example of his works for present generations, as well as noble qualities inherent in people of Uzbekistan. 

It also found its bright reflection in the memorial evening, held in connection with the 100th anniversary of Sharaf Rashidov. At the concert, the masters of arts of our country performed national melodies, songs and dances, pearls of world art were presented. 

These melodies and songs strengthened the sense of love for the Motherland, the joy of life. Songs based on the words of Sharaf Rashidov “Olamda gullar yashar” (“Flowers living in the universe”), “Vatan fidoyilariga” (“To the selfless people of the Homeland”), “Dugonalar” (“Friends”), “Yor kelur” (“Sweetheart is coming”), as well as the poems of Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya “Uzbekiston”, “Yoshlik chogimda” (“In my youth”), “Kel, assalom” (“Come, hello”), folk songs, arias and compositions of the world opera art left unforgettable impressions on the audience. 

…The large monitor shows scenes about childhood and youth of this wise man, his parents, the life of Sharaf Rashidov, personified by the desire to exalt and develop his homeland, significant work carried out under the leadership of the President of our country in order to perpetuate the name of the outstanding statesman and writer, today’s happy life of our people. 

All this shows that a person devoted to his people and the Motherland took a worthy place in the hearts of compatriots and received their respect and love. 

Memorial evenings, spiritual and educational activities devoted to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov are continuing throughout our country, in educational institutions, military units, labor collectives and makhallas. 

On November 7, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, the Republican Center of Spirituality and Enlightenment, will hold a scientific conference on “The role of Sharaf Rashidov in the history of Uzbekistan”. 

An automobile plant is being built in “Jizzakh” free economic zone together with “Peugeot Citroen” (France) group. 

The Head of our state during the trip to Jizzakh region got acquainted with the construction of this modern enterprise. 

The joint venture, established in accordance with the resolution of the President of our country of June 13, 2017 on organization of “Uzbekistan Peugeot Citroen Automotive” enterprise with participation of foreign investments, based on the agreement between SC “Uzavtosanoat” and Peugeot Citroen Automotive group, is the result of the high trust of foreign businessmen to the prospects of the automobile industry of Uzbekistan. 

It is planned to produce commercial vehicles for passenger and cargo transportation – “Peugeot Expert” and “Peugeot Boxer” in the plant. Production will start in 2019 at the enterprise, wh ere 600 workplaces will be created. 

The enterprise with production capacity of 16 thousand units of modern cars a year, along with supply to the domestic market, will also export them to the CIS countries, Iran, France and other states. 

The President of our country gave corresponding instructions on acceleration of construction activities, paying special attention to the quality and their effectiveness. 

Samples of cars planned for production were demonstrated for Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

Presentation of the largest glass factory in Central Asia was also held. 

The total cost of a new project on deep processing of glass and production of large-volume glass products in FEZ “Jizzakh” is about 110 million US dollars. The first stage of the enterprise, that is being established jointly with the Chinese company “Ming Yuan Silu”, is planned to be put into operation before the end of 2017. The enterprise will start operating at full capacity in September 2019. 

The President of our country was also provided with information on prospective projects being implemented by “Uzkurilishmateriallari” (construction materials industry) JSC in Jizzakh region on development of construction materials production in 2017-2018.


Anvar Samadov, Abu Bakr Urozov, Matnazar Elmurodov, Umar Asrorov, photo by Sarvar Urmanov, UzA
