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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Jizzakh regional musical drama theatre

2017-11-06 | Politics

Jizzakh regional musical drama theater was reconstructed at the level of modern requirements in connection with the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman, famous writer Sharaf Rashidov.

The facade of the theater building is revetted with a modern cover, stained-glass windows are installed, and the sidewalks are laid with ceramic tiles in the process of large-scale activities carried out here. A majestic fountain is erected in front of the theater, rare ornamental trees and flowers are planted on the territory. 

The first and second floors of the building are reconstructed on the basis of traditions of national and modern architecture. The heating and ventilation systems, water and electricity networks, seating in the auditorium for 550 seats, stage lighting devices, sound amplifying equipment are renovated, necessary conditions in dressing rooms are created. 

The President of our country, inspecting the theater building, noted that this modern center of art became a great gift for residents of Jizzakh region during the celebration of the anniversary of Sharaf Rashidov. 

The activity of the creative team of the theater should now be felt by residents of remote districts of the region, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. To do this, it is necessary to increase the potential of the creative team, attract new artists, and work on creating theatrical works at the level of today’s requirements. People’s interest in the theater should be increased, and their spirituality should be educated through this. 

Instructions were given on development of a model program for 2018 with the aim of increasing the role of the theater in spiritual and educational life of the region and organizing its effective work. This program will include such issues as support for artists, erection of a 7-storey residential building for them, improvement of qualifications of actors and directors, dissemination of the creative atmosphere of the theater for children’s schools of music and arts of the region.


Matnazar Elmurodov, UzA
