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Uzbekistan–Kazakhstan: dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations

2017-11-01 | Politics

On October 31, 2017, an international conference on “Uzbekistan–Kazakhstan: 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations” was held at the International Business Center.

Good-neighborly relations connect two people with a common history, language, religion and traditions. Important documents and reached agreements during the regular meetings of the heads of states allow to strengthen relations in social, humanitarian, trade and economic spheres at a qualitatively new level. A broad celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states on the basis of the Joint Statement signed during the state visit of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to our country on September 16-17, 2017, is being held at a high level. 

The international conference, organized in cooperation of Institute of strategic and interregional studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was attended by representatives of ministries and departments, diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in our country, heads of prestigious analytical centers of the two countries, mass media workers. 

Cooperation between our countries is developing on the basis of the Treaty on eternal friendship between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan signed in 1998 and the Treaty on strategic partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan signed in 2013, and a number of other documents. Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have common views on the international political arena, as well as on actual issues of regional importance. Our countries support each other in international organizations such as the UN, the SCO, the CIS. 

At the event it was noted that cooperation between our countries is developing on the basis of high trust and mutual respect. It was emphasized that the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations is of historical significance, opening a new page in bilateral mutually beneficial relations. Intensification of mutual visits between organizations and structures of various levels of our countries contributes to further strengthening of large-scale cooperation. 

This year a new page has been opened in the prospects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Several meetings of the heads of states were held, during which agreements were reached on further strengthening mutual understanding and friendly relations. The state visit of the Head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev on March 22-23 to Kazakhstan and the state visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to our country on September 16-17 confirmed the unanimity of the sides in determining long-term strategic interests, actions on jointly solving issues facing the two states. The high-level meetings provide an opportunity to organize mutual visits of governments, develop mutually beneficial cooperation in business and cultural-humanitarian spheres. 

Kazakhstan is one of the most important trade and economic partners of our country. There are about 230 enterprises with participation of Kazakhstan capital in our country, in Kazakhstan – over 130 enterprises that are organized jointly with partners from Uzbekistan. Natural gas, means of transportation, cars, mineral fertilizers, textile, electrical, construction products, fruits and vegetables, and other goods and services are exported from Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan. Oil products, metal, flour, fat and oil products are imported from Kazakhstan to our country. 

Transport and communications, roads and railways are integrated between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Involvement of the road along the territory of Maktaaral district of Kazakhstan, connecting Tashkent and Samarkand, establishment of a high-speed train traffic along Tashkent – Almaty route and the bus route connecting the cities of the two countries ensures the development of cultural and humanitarian relations, an increase in the volume of trade and investment. 

The international conference, contributing to a deep study of the current state of bilateral cooperation, plays an important role in further strengthening trade and economic relations, cultural and humanitarian ties, defining a strategy of actions for the future by developing necessary recommendations. 

As it was noted at the conference, an important role is played by the Strategy of economic cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2019 and an agreement on interregional cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan in achieving tangible results in the economic, trade and investment spheres. In 2016, the trade turnover between our countries amounted to 2 billion dollars. In the future, it is planned to increase this figure to 5 billion dollars. 

At the sectional meetings of the forum, such issues as prospects of cooperation in political, economic, transport spheres, the role of cultural and humanitarian ties in strengthening interstate relations were discussed in a constructive spirit. It was also noted that the organization of Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan Council of Experts will become a convenient platform for a regular exchange of views and joint development of initiatives. 

Following the conference, a joint communiqué was adopted.


Ulugbek Shonazarov, UzA
