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Noh theater is on the stage

2017-10-19 | Culture

An event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and Japan was held at the State Academic Grand Theater of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. “The feather robe” and “Earth spider” performances, staged by the actor of the Japanese National Noh Theatre Noboru Katsumi, were presented within the framework of the event.

The event, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Embassy of Japan in our country, was attended by representatives of the state and public organizations, diplomatic corps accredited in our country, art critics and students. 

It was noted that contacts in the sphere of culture and art are of great importance in strengthening friendship and mutual understanding, mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries. 

The National Noh Theatre of Japan with a seven-hundred-year history reflects traditions and customs, history and culture of people of Japan. The actor performs the play with the help of dance, music, movements and masks in this ancient art form, included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. 

“The feather robe” play is a philosophical parable about the relationship between nature and man, the value of time. And the “Earth spider” play tells about the confrontation between good and evil, courage and human will. 

At the event, a stage performance was presented in the memory of Alisher Navoi, performed by Noboru Katsumi.


Ulugbek Shonazarov, photo by Temur Mamadaminov, UzA
