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Nanotechnologies serve to progress

2017-10-18 | Tech

The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a seminar on “Prospects for the development of nanotechnologies in Uzbekistan”.

President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan B.Yuldashev and others noted that in the process of large-scale reforms, special attention is paid to further strengthening the role of science in socio-economic development, comprehensive support of activities of academicians, training of highly qualified scientific personnel. 

Decree of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On measures of further improving and stimulating the activity of academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of December 29, 2016 contributes to further expansion of the scale of activity in this direction. 

Implementation of actual tasks assigned to the national science implies a radical reform of activities of the Academy of Sciences – the leading center of scientific research and the developer of innovative ideas. Moreover, this, in turn, requires the adaptation of academic science to new socio-economic realities, creation of conditions for production appropriate to the needs of our economy products that can competently compete in the world market, training scientific personnel of a new generation with innovative thinking. 

New materials developed by the scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientific research on nanotechnologies are widely used today in the agrarian, medical, pharmaceutical, polygraphic, light and textile industries, automotive, electrical engineering, biology, energy, materials science and many others. 

Issues of further development of scientific cooperation with leading institutions, universities, scientific centers and academies of the world in introduction of new technologies for ensuring the effective integration of science, education and production, supporting the scientific developments of young scientists, and even more widespread introduction of innovations into practice, were discussed at the seminar.


Shakhnoza Mamaturopova, UzA
