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Voting Starts also in the Republic of Karakalpakstan

2015-03-29 | Society

Nukus. From early morning, all 589 polling stations established in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are full of voters. In the voting lists included 1 million 159 thousand 795 voters, 6700 boys and girls voting for the first time and 30 voters who turned 100-year milestone.

29 March, 6 am. At the polling station number 14 of the city of Nukus, voting started. In this important political process involved representatives of political parties, observers and media personnel.

The national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan is played, voters are invited to vote.
"2702 voters registered at our polling station," says the Chairman of the precinct election commission Sulton Muhammaddinov. "For 17 of voters who are not able to come to the polling station, voting will be held at home."

The young people participating in the elections for the first time also expressed their opinions.

"I study at Nukus Professional College of information technologies," says Guloyim Uterboyeva. "All the necessary conditions to get acquainted with the biographies, the electoral programs of the presidential candidates were created. I'm glad that voted for the candidate who I believe is worthy."

About 20 nationalities live in peace and harmony in the mahalla where is situated this polling station.

"People of our mahalla friendly and always help each other, be it a wedding, holiday or other event," the Chairman of citizens ' gathering mahalla number 5 "Khalqlar dustligi" Urkiya Tangirbergenova. "All residents actively participate in the presidential elections. And together with the observers we will deliver ballot boxes to the houses of the veterans Mariya Pak and Rimma Abdullayeva, who cannot come to the polling station."

Voting continues at all polling stations in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
