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Towards strengthening friendship, good-neighborliness and confidence

2017-10-07 | Politics

On October 5-6, 2017, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev paid a state visit to our country at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

The main events within the framework of the state visit were held on October 5, at Kuksaroy residence. 

After the ceremony of the official meeting, the heads of the two countries held negotiations in a narrow and in an expanded format. During the conversation, the prospects of further development of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed, views were exchanged on regional and international issues of mutual interest. 

Cooperation between our countries is consistently developing on the basis of the Treaty on eternal friendship between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic, signed on December 24, 1996. 

A new page has been opened in the development of cooperation between our countries over the past year. Particularly significant was the state visit of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev on September 5-6 this year to the Kyrgyz Republic, which became a historic event in development of relations between the two countries. Documents related to the spheres of trade and economy, transport, energy, culture and issues of state borders that were signed within its framework, raised mutual ties to a new level.

The visit of the President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev to our country became a logical continuation of this historic event. 

Due to the political will and efforts of the heads of the two states, cooperation between our countries and friendship between our people have strengthened. Visits of delegations are being conducted at the level of governments and regions, and this gives positive results. 

Our countries support each other in the international arena. They also interact constructively within the framework of such international structures as the UN, the SCO, the CIS, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and others. Positions of the sides on issues of regional and international importance are same or close. 

Our countries are interested in strengthening peace and security in the region. Attention at the meeting was paid to the need of further strengthening cooperation in the fight against international terrorism, religious extremism, illicit trafficking in narcotics, transnational organized crime and other challenges posing a threat to international security. 

The importance of strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation on rational and integrated use of water and energy resources in Central Asia, taking into account the interests of all the states of the region, was emphasized. To this end, representatives of the two countries will conduct regular consultations for development of mutually acceptable long-term sustainable mechanisms for addressing the issues of joint and integrated use of water resources. 

Issues of further development of political, trade-economic and interregional cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, strengthening cooperation in the spheres of energy, industry, agriculture and water resources, transport and communication, culture and others were discussed at the meeting. An important role of the Intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic was noted. 

Manufacturers of Uzbekistan have recently taken part in the international exhibition held in Osh. Within the framework of the state visit of the President of Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan, an exhibition of industrial products and a business forum were held at Uzexpocentre. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Almazbek Atambayev got acquainted with the exhibition of industrial products of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. 

Prospective agreements were reached at the business forum organized within the framework of the visit. 

The sides reached an agreement on increasing the volume of trade and expansion of its nomenclature several times, while maintaining stable growth rates of mutual trade. To this end, activities will continue on establishing industrial cooperation, organizing joint ventures on production of agricultural and household appliances, automobiles, buses, construction materials, textile products and other goods. Mutual visits of businessmen of the two countries will be organized, joint business forums will be held. Participation of representatives of the two countries in international exhibitions and fairs, which will be held in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, is supported. 

During the discussions, special attention was paid to issues of expansion of relations in the sphere of transport communications. It was noted that this will increase the economic and transit opportunities of the two countries, and the opening of new transport corridors that is of mutual interest for the sides, will bring additional revenue. Construction of the railway line Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan – China and the establishment of traffic on the route Andijan – Osh – Irkeshtam – Kashgar are of great importance in this. 

There are also great opportunities in development of cooperation in cultural and humanitarian sphere. For this purpose, relations in the field of education, science and technology, direct contacts between educational and scientific institutions are developing. This creates conditions for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel, exchange of researchers, specialists and students, as well as information on issues of qualifications and scientific degrees. 

The achieved historical agreements on the state borders, simplification of cross-border interregional arrivals and departures on the initiative of the President of our country have further strengthened cultural and humanitarian ties. This will open wide opportunities for the development of tourism. 

There are schools in Uzbekistan, where education is conducted in the Kyrgyz language, and in Kyrgyzstan – in Uzbek. A modern school is being built in Osh with the assistance of Uzbekistan. 

As a result of negotiations at the highest level, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President Almazbek Atambayev signed the Declaration on strategic partnership, strengthening friendship, good-neighborliness and confidence between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic. 

More than 10 documents on cooperation between the regions, ministries and departments of the two countries have been signed in the presence of the heads of the states. A number of documents representing mutually beneficial interest were also prepared and adopted on the second day of the state visit. 

Thereupon, the state visit of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev to our country ended. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has seen off the distinguished guest at “Tashkent” international airport named after Islam Karimov. 



Anvar Samadov, UzA
