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“Туркистон” саройида Тошкент епархиясининг 145 йиллиги муносабати билан тадбир бўлиб ўтди

2017-10-03 | Politics

Peace and harmony in Uzbekistan serve as a solid basis for carrying out large-scale reforms in all spheres, ensuring the prosperous life of our people.

Representatives of more than 130 nations and nationalities, 16 denominations live in Uzbekistan. All conditions are created for careful preservation of their culture, customs and traditions. This encourages all our compatriots, regardless of their social origin, religion and nationality, to live and work for the benefit of the Motherland, to rally around a common goal – to make a worthy contribution to the prosperity of the country. 

These peculiarities have found their embodiment at an event, dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Tashkent diocese, held on October 1 at Turkiston Palace. 

It was attended by representatives of state and public organizations, diplomatic corps accredited in our country, foreign guests and our compatriots professing Christianity. 

The message of greetings of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the participants of the event dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Tashkent diocese was read by the State Advisor to the President R.Komilov. 

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Vikentiy of Tashkent and Uzbekistan noted that a large-scale practical work is carried out in Uzbekistan on strengthening interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, educating youth as personalities with high spirituality. It was emphasized that a platform for active interreligious dialogue is created in Uzbekistan, which serves as an important factor of stability in society. 

The Strategy of actions on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, developed on the initiative of the President of our country, covers all spheres of life of the state and society and determined the way of comprehensive advance development of socio-economic life of our country. 

Within the framework of implementation of tasks stipulated in this important document, consistent work is being carried out on strengthening traditionally close and friendly relations with neighboring countries, representatives of various nationalities and religions. 

The event ended with a concert program with participation of young singers and artists of Uzbekistan and Russia.

* * *

Delegation of Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church led by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia visited the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara, got acquainted with holy places of worship and historical monuments. 

In Samarkand, the guests visited the final resting place of the First President of our country Islam Karimov in Khazrati Khizr complex. They laid flowers at the grave of the founder of independent Uzbekistan, paid tribute to his memory. Large-scale creative and landscaping work implemented here, the erected mausoleum, the ayvan (terrace) in the national style and other structures impressed the guests. 

Members of the delegation also visited the Amir Temur and Khoja Doniyor mausoleums, the Mirzo Ulugbek observatory, the Registan complex and other historical monuments. An event with participation of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia was held at the Cathedral of St. Aleksey, in Samarkand. 

In Bukhara, guests visited the church of Archangel Michael. They got acquainted with historical monuments that are famous throughout the world – the Chashma-i Ayub Mausoleum, the Poyi Kalon complex and the Ark fortress.


Ulugbek Shonazarov, Golib Khasanov, Erkin Yodgorov, UzA
