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Youth Vote for their Future

2015-03-29 | Society

In our country brought up physically and spiritually healthy generation with deep thinking and strong beliefs. Young people live with a sense of belonging to the prosperity of the Motherland, the further improvement of the welfare of our people.

Boys and girls are actively involved in the large-scale reforms aimed at further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society in our country. Active participation of young people in the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan bears witness of growing their social activity and the strengthening of civilian positions.

Today, early in the morning, 17 polling stations located on the territory of students' campus Yoshlik of the capital, opened their doors.

Тhe polling station number 219 is located in the building of the Centre for spirituality and enlightenment at the Ministry of higher and secondary special education on the territory of students' campus. The young people were one of the first came for voting to the festively decorated polling station. 3850 voters registered at this polling station, 2721 of them are young people.

"Presidential elections are an important socio-political event affecting the future of the country," says the Chairman of the precinct election commission Botir Sodiqov. "Boys and girls, confident in the future with autonomous thinking and striving for a brighter future take an active part in the voting process."

Participation of representatives of the young generation in the presidential elections is important in the formation of a democratic legal state, free civil society. Therefore, the Central Election Commission held round-table conferences with the participation of specialists in all regions of the country in order to familiarize young voters with the election legislation of our country, changes, processes related to the organization and conduct of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

"Among the activists of the Kamolot public youth movement, we have participated in the propaganda and explanatory activities organized at the educational institutions and mahallas," says the student of the Tashkent State Technical University Temur Ikromov. "In the course of such projects like Youth ready for elections, Your vote matters, Today – student, tomorrow – voter, our knowledge about changes made to the national electoral legislation, preparation and conduct of elections further enriched. Today, like all my peers, I voted for a worthy candidate."
