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President of Uzbekistan received Chinese government delegation

2017-09-09 | Politics

On September 9, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the government delegation of the People’s Republic of China headed by the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, co-chairman of Uzbekistan-China intergovernmental committee on cooperation Meng Jianzhu, who arrived in our country to attend the next meeting of the joint Committee. 

The head of our state, warmly welcoming the guest, noted with deep satisfaction the dynamic development of mutually beneficial multifaceted cooperation between Uzbekistan and China. 

It was emphasized that the state visit of the President of Uzbekistan to China held in May this year raised bilateral relations to a qualitatively new level, contributed to strengthening of comprehensive strategic partnership of the two countries. 

The volume of mutual trade is steadily growing: in January-July this year, the trade turnover exceeded 2,5 billion dollars. 

Priority investment programs and projects in the energy sector, oil and gas, chemical, machine-building, electrical engineering, textile industries, on development of reliable transport and communication infrastructure, in the sphere of tourism and other important areas are being carried out jointly with leading Chinese companies, banking and financial institutions. 

Contacts between regions and business communities of the two states are actively developing. Scientific-technical and cultural-humanitarian cooperation is expanding.

Prospects of practical cooperation between Uzbekistan and China, first of all, in trade and economic, investment, financial and transport-communication spheres were considered at the meeting. 

The decisive role of Uzbekistan – China intergovernmental committee on cooperation in ensuring full implementation of agreements at the highest level, as well as promotion of new projects in high-tech sectors of the economy, was noted. 

Meng Jianzhu expressed deep gratitude to the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev for the warm welcome and conveyed sincere greetings and best wishes of the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. 

The interest and readiness of the Chinese side to further strengthen relations of comprehensive strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and China are emphasized. 

By the decree of the head of our state, Meng Jianzhu was awarded the “Dustlik” (“Friendship”) order for the great merits in strengthening friendship and multifaceted relations, deepening of long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries, as well as personal contribution to the implementation of major economic and investment projects, development of comprehensive strategic partnership. 
Photos by Alo Abdullayev, UzA 

Source: UzA
