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Great holiday of an independent country

2017-08-31 | Society

Festive celebration dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the independence of our Motherland was held at “Uzbekiston” Palace of international forums 

Independence – the greatest blessing for every nation. 

Independence – the recognition of own identity, the right to be an owner of own land, to exalt and glorify own Motherland. 

Independence – the opportunity to be equal among equals, determine own destiny, live freely and happily. 

On August 31, 1991 – a historic day, when the state independence of Uzbekistan was proclaimed. Our people, deeply aware of its value and significance, are widely and solemnly celebrating this date. 

This year, in accordance with the resolution of the President of our country of June 27, 2017, a large-scale preparation was conducted for the celebration of the twenty-sixth anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The festive celebrations took new forms and were filled with new content in the spirit of transformations implemented in our society. 

The main celebration was held on August 31 at “Uzbekiston” Palace of international forums. It was attended by representatives of the state and public organizations, members of the government, employees of ministries and departments, leading workers of various socio-economic spheres, heads of foreign embassies and representative offices of international organizations in our country. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated all the people of Uzbekistan on the twenty-sixth anniversary of independence. 

The National anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan sounded. Participants of the celebration sang the main song of the country, experiencing great excitement and pride. 

The eighties of the last century were a very difficult period for the republic. Our people have practically lost their national identity, language and religion under the pressure of the former system. 

In this difficult period Uzbekistan was headed by Islam Karimov. He bravely fought against the unjust system and defended the interests of our people. When the former regime still retained its power, the leader of Uzbekistan was one of the first to proclaim the republic as an independent state. 

Islam Karimov established a new Uzbek statehood, in fact, revived the country, which appeared on the edge of the abyss. The economic programs developed by the First President of our country ensured its stable development. Uzbekistan has taken a worthy place in the world community due to his wise foreign policy, efforts on ensuring peace and strengthening cooperation. 

The population’s living standards are gradually growing as a result of implementation of the noble idea “Reforms not for the sake of reforms, but primarily for people”, a step-by-step transition to a socially-oriented market economy, large-scale creative work. Legal democratic reforms and attention to increasing spirituality have changed consciousness and thinking, the worldview of our people.

Great holiday of an independent country

At the festive event in honor of the 26th anniversary of independence, the participants honored the memory of the First President of our country Islam Karimov with deep respect. 

Uzbekistan entered a new era of independent development with a new leader. On December 4, 2016, Shavkat Mirziyoyev was elected as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev defined the main goal of his activity along with the continuation of the policy of Islam Karimov to further deepen reforms in all spheres. 

Based on the idea of “We will build a free, democratic and prosperous state of Uzbekistan together with our courageous and noble people”, implementation of radical reforms on modernization of the country, improving the quality and efficiency of public administration system has begun. The activity of governing bodies has been improved, many ministries and departments have been transformed, new structures have been organized. 

A modern and effective system of dialogue with people is established. The activities of the Virtual and Public reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, public receptions at places are contributing to the protection of human interests. Special attention is paid to providing broad opportunities for the population, raising people’s real incomes, further developing entrepreneurship, creating workplaces, expanding exports. 

Relations with neighboring states, which the President of our country visited with the first state visits, have been improved. The principle of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, instead of competition, expanded the possibilities for economic interaction, further strengthened regional security and interethnic harmony. 

All these features have found their bright reflection in songs sounded at the festive event in different languages, speeches of national-ethnographic collectives. 

Mutual respect, harmony and generosity are the highest value in Uzbekistan. There is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in our society.
Great holiday of an independent country

International authority of Uzbekistan is steadily growing due to peace and stability. The most developed countries, leading world banks and companies are willing to cooperate with our country. 

Changes in the festive program of this year have enriched its content. Songs, poems, dances performed by children, defenders of the Motherland, art masters replaced each other on stage. The celebration ended with the song “Vatan azizdir” (“Dear Motherland”). 

Indeed, Motherland is sacred. Our destiny, the present day and the future are inextricably linked with it. Our ancestors are buried here, their rich heritage is preserved. Today we with our families, friends and colleagues are living happily in this sacred land. We are developing plans with confidence and implementing them, we all together are dreaming of a bright future. 

All this is possible due to independence. State independence serves as a solid foundation for ensuring national interests, peaceful and tranquil life of our people, raising the country’s international prestige. And over time, the significance of this good for national development, the fate of present and future generations will only increase. 

Festive events and folk festivals are continuing in all cities and villages of our country. 
Anvar Samadov, photos by Sarvar Urmonov, Yolkin Shamsiddinov, UzA
