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Uzbekistan–South Korea: cooperation in the sphere of ICT is developing

2017-08-15 | Economics

Uzbek-South Korean forum on development of open source software was held in the International Business Center in Tashkent. 

The forum, organized by the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the National IT Industry Promotion Agency of the Republic of Korea, was attended by the heads of companies in the sphere of information technology, software production, representatives of business circles and higher educational institutions. 

First Deputy Minister for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan Olimjon Umarov, Vice President of the National IT Industry Promotion Agency of the Republic of Korea Tae Yeol Kim and others noted that the scale of mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries is expanding. Establishment of mechanisms for long-term cooperation on informatization of society, in particular, access to free and open code products of software was noted as the general objectives of the parties. 

Favorable conditions are created in our country for formation and active development of high-tech industries. The fact is that it is impossible to achieve economic stability without introduction of digital technologies into various spheres of society and the economy. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures of radically improving the conditions for the development of information technology industry in the republic” of June 30, 2017 marked the beginning of a new stage in software development. 

– It is gratifying that the sphere of information and communication technologies is being improved in Uzbekistan, the production capacity of enterprises is increasing, and new technologies are being introduced, – said Tae Yeol Kim. – Supporting aspirations of Uzbekistan in this direction, an analysis of best practices in informatization of the “e-government” system, promotion of software system development is envisaged within the framework of our cooperation. 

Participants of the forum emphasized that our countries have great potential in further development of cooperation in the use of information and communication technologies. 

At the event, reports were heard on the current state and prospects of the software market in Uzbekistan and South Korea, the wider introduction of advanced ICT in various spheres of society.


Ulugbek Shonazarov, UzA
