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Uzbekistan railways: new projects and modern services

2017-08-10 | Economics

In the years of independence, more than 1100 kilometers of railways have been laid and 4 thousand kilometers have been modernized in Uzbekistan. 16 new railway stations have been built and 49 modern electric locomotives have been purchased. 120 locomotives are modernized.

Today, large-scale reforms are being implemented in the railway industry. The effective work carried out by “Uzbekiston temir yollari” (“Uzbekistan railways”) joint-stock company that is aimed at increasing the transport-communication and transit potential contributes to the sustainable development of the national economy and the growth of the living standards of the population. 

The regular session of the International press club that was held in Tashkent on “Uzbekistan railways: new projects and modern services” became an opportunity for bringing to the general public the achieved success in the sphere, tasks for the future, the role of the industry in socio-economic development of the country and allowed responsible employees of the sphere to conduct an open dialogue with citizens, answer their questions, hear suggestions and complaints. 

Deputy chairmen of the board of JSC “Uzbekiston temir yollari” D.Dehkonov and O.Khudoykulov, head of “Angren – Pap electrified railway” project N.Erkinov, head of the healthcare service T.Matibayev and other authorized persons answered the questions of journalists and citizens. 

This year, it is envisaged to implement 11 projects by “Uzbekiston temir yollari” joint-stock company. Construction of a new Bukhara – Miskin railway is continuing. Railway workers are carrying out both the laying of tracks and their electrification in Urgench – Khiva direction. This will make it possible to arrange the running of high-speed passenger trains to Khorezm region in the near future. 

Activity on electrification of Karshi – Termez railway with a total length of 325 kilometers is at its peak. At present, 183 kilometers of this route is fully electrified. 

At the initiative of the President of our country, the movement of electric trains between Kokand, Margilan and Andijan is established. “Uzbekiston temir yollari” joint-stock company has modernized 5 electric trains for these routes. 

Railway workers are also active in construction of complex structures. This year, having constructed an overpass at the intersection of Bunyodkor and Mukimi streets of the capital, the railway workers are currently continuing the construction of Yunusabad branch and the land line in Sergeli of Tashkent metro. 

During the session, it was emphasized that special attention is paid to reconstruction of railway stations, equipping them with modern equipment. In particular, reconstruction of the Southern station of the capital, construction of modern stations in Khiva and Namangan are currently under way. 

Increasing the volume of passengers’ transportation in rail transport requires improvement of provided services. To this end, “Uzbekiston temir yollari” joint-stock company has critically reviewed the conductors’ activities. Appropriate measures are taken against workers with abusive behavior towards their duties. To date, about 20 thousand passengers have purchased e-tickets as a result of introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the process of buying tickets.


Bekhzod Bozorov, UzA
