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Parkent will turn into a modern city

2017-07-24 | Politics

On July 22, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the citizens’ gathering of “Markaziy” makhalla of Parkent district.

In accordance with the Decree of the head of our state On measures of further improving the makhalla institute of February 3 this year, the organizational bases of makhalla’s activity, its role in life of society are being strengthened. 

A new building and a makhalla guzar have been erected for citizens of the “Markaziy” makhalla. All conditions are created for workers of the gathering, for the inspector of prevention and the population. There are separate rooms that are furnished with computer equipment, furniture, literature, rooms for the chairman, secretary, makhalla advisors, inspector of prevention. The inspector’s office is equipped with a monitor for video surveillance, allowing to control the entire territory of the makhalla. 

The law on the makhalla was adopted, all conditions were created for its activities, but there was no responsibility of the chairman of the makhalla, the primary organization, said the head of our state. Now the citizens’ gathering of the makhalla is given great powers and opportunities. The chairman of the makhalla and his advisers should take the situation in the makhalla into their own hands, know the situation in each family, the requests of people and help them. 

It is noted that it would be possible to have gatherings in buildings of schools for further approaching the makhalla to the population, this is of great importance in educating youth. It will alos help to unite people, strengthen discipline and law enforcement. 

Information on preventive work carried out by internal affairs bodies, the concept of Safe rest is given. 

The President of our country noted that Tashkent region, including Parkent district, has a huge potential for tourism development, for which it is necessary to ensure safety of tourists and the population, to instill in people the skills of family entrepreneurship in the sphere of tourism. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev talked with seamstresses and home-workers working in the makhalla guzar. 

Presentation of projects on construction of two reservoirs in Parkent district, cultivation of crops on the basis of drip irrigation, creation of vineyards, the general plan of the city of Parkent until 2036, construction of multi-storey houses, roads, markets, a recreation park and other objects is held in the courtyard of the citizens’ gathering building. 

The President of our country drew attention to the role of Parkensai and Kyzylsai reservoirs in development of the district’s economy, increasing the incomes of the population. As a result of construction of these reservoirs, 5,8 thousand hectares of land will be provided with permanent water supply – 3,9 thousand hectares of rainfed lands will be turned into irrigated areas, water supply will be improved on 1,9 thousand hectares. 

The head of our state noted the need for full transition to growing fruit and vegetable products on rainfed lands and increasing procurement of demanded products. 

Instructions are given on organization of a free economic zone in Parkent, attraction of investment at the amount of 100 million dollars to the zone, organization of production taking into account possibilities of the district and market requirements, and development of entrepreneurship among the population. 

Attention is also paid to issues of improving spirituality of youth, training personnel for the economy of the region, strengthening peace and tranquility.


Anvar Samadov, photo by Yolkin Shamsiddinov, UzA
