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Cooperation issues discussed

2017-05-23 | Politics

A meeting has taken place in Tashkent between the minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Abdusalom Azizov, and the minister of internal affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

It was said that this meeting was a convenient opportunity for the implementation of agreements reached during the state visit of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Russian Federation in April this year and for the strengthening of cooperation between the two ministries. 

The Russian delegation were acquainted with the goals and tasks of a Presidential decree dated 10 April 2017 of Uzbekistan “On measures to thoroughly raise the effectiveness of the work of internal affairs agencies, to strengthen their responsibility for ensuring public order and to reliably protect people’s rights, freedoms and legitimate interests”. 

There was talk about reforming the structure of this country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, strengthening lower tiers of the system for keeping public order, ensuring people’s security and declaring Thursday day of preventing violations of the law and fighting against offences. 

The minister of internal affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, highly evaluated the effective system created in Uzbekistan for ensuring peace and calm, public security, the important role of specific work to prevent offences, and the positive results of close cooperation between preventive inspectors and public organizations, particularly neighbourhoods. He emphasized that it would be advisable to study this experience and to introduce it in other countries. 

At the meeting, there was discussion of issues relating to the further strengthening of contacts in the fight against international terrorism, religious extremism, illegal migration and drug trafficking. 

A document was signed on interaction between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the years 2017-2018. 

The Russian delegation visited Samarqand and honoured the memory of the First President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov. 

The delegation familiarized themselves with the work of the Olmazor district directorate of internal affairs in the capital city.
