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Ancestors’ bravery and courage are examples to generations

2017-05-10 | Politics

In this country, 9 May - Day of Remembrance and Honour is being widely celebrated as a national holiday. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s decree dated 4 April 2017 “On awards for participants in World War Two” and resolution “On measures to prepare for Day of Remembrance and Honour and to celebrate this holiday” are directed towards such noble purposes as providing attention to surviving war veterans and honouring the memory of compatriots who had fallen for the country’s freedom and peace. 

As part of the implementation of these documents, letters of congratulations, monetary prizes of 2 million soms each and certificates giving preferential purchase rights for modern automobiles have been provided to participants in World War Two, and houses have also been provided for those in need of housing. 

Enlightenment and entertainment events and meetings for defenders of the Motherland’s freedom have been conducted by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the Women’s Committee, the Kamolot public youth movement, the Art Academy, the republic’s morality propagation centre, the Nuroniy (veteran) foundation and the Mahalla (neighbourhood) public charity foundation. 


On 9 May, there were more people than ever in the capital city’s Remembrance square. Senators, deputies, government members and military servicemen visited this square. 

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in the square at 0930. 

The Head of State laid a wreath at the Mourning Mother monument as a military orchestra played music. 

The President honoured the memory of compatriots who had fallen in World War Two. 

At the Morning Mother monument lots of flowers were put by representatives of various ministries and departments and public organizations. 

An event devoted to Day of Remembrance and Honour and the 72nd anniversary of the victory in World War Two took place in the garden of the Academician M.Mirzayev scientific research institute of horticulture, viniculture and winemaking in Zangiota District of Tashkent Region. 

Invited to the event were 500 war and labour veterans from the Republic of Qoraqalpoghiston and the regions. 

The garden was decorated for the holiday. There were slogans such as “9 May – Day of Remembrance and Honour”, “Congratulations on Victory Day”, “May there always be peace in our country and clear skies above” and “The Motherland does not forget its heroes”. 

In the garden, a 1941-1945 war battle scene was reenacted with trenches and shelters and military hardware and weapons of that period. 

Music was played by the singing and dancing ensemble of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan. 

People at the festive event gave a round of applause to welcome President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, speaking from a podium, congratulated those gathered there and the entire nation on 9 May – Day of Remembrance and Honour and the 72nd anniversary of the victory in World War Two. 

On the eve of that war, there were 6.5 million people in Uzbekistan. Of them 1.5 million people had participated in the war, and more than 500,000 of them had fallen in battle fields, and so many others were injured in the war. A large number went missing in action. And so this victory cost Uzbekistan’s people dearly. 

Uzbek people really displayed courage and bravery in the years of the war. Nearly one million people were evacuated to Uzbekistan. More than 200,000 of them were children. Hundreds of Uzbek families adopted those children. The family of Shomahmudovs of Tashkent adopted 14 children, the family of Samadovs of Kattaqorghon adopted 12, the families of Jorayevs and Ashurkhojayevs adopted eight each. There were many more such examples. 

“When I was 20 years of age I went to war and served at the second Belarusian front. Now I am 97 years old. I pray to God that there will always be love and unity in our country. May there always be peace in our country, and may our people enjoy wellbeing,” says Marat Yomghurov of Khorazm. 

Hundreds of people from Uzbekistan had been awarded high titles and medals for bravery and courage in achieving the victory in the war of the years 1941-1945. Thousands of Uzbeks had fallen in that war. Their heroism makes current generations proud. 

The holiday programme contained poems and songs by late poets and artistes. Excerpts were read out from a poem entitled “Take up arms” by famous poet Hamid Olimjon, a poem entitled “You are not alone” by Ghofur Ghulom and a poem entitled “Woman” by Abdulla Oripov. 

Episodes were shown about a great deal of work that was carried out in the years of independence to honour World War Two and labour front veterans and to provide material and moral support for them. 

“We are a happy generation as we live in such a peaceful and calm country,” says Liliya Usmanova, a teacher of the Chirchiq military tank command engineering higher school. 

Photo by Sarvar Ormonov and Yolqin Shamsiddinov, UzA
