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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: The main purpose of every project is the further raising of the prosperity of our people

2017-04-14 | Politics

As part of a tour of Samaqand Region, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Qoshrabot District. At a meeting held in the village of Oqtepa, there was a presentation of projecs to create walnut tree plantations and vineyards in 2017-2018 in hilly upland areas, to arrange stock raising in 2017-2021 and to improve the provision of drinking water for inhabitants of the district.

In order to ensure the implementation of a resolution dated 4 March 2017 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on additional measures for effective use of homesteads by people and farm labourers and for the expansion of fruit tree plantations, 4211 farms will be created in hilly upland areas in Jomboy, Ishtihon, Kattaqorghon, Pastdargom, Payariq, Samarqand, Urgut and Qoshrabot districts of Samarqand Region in the years 2017-2018. It is envisaged that walnut tree plantations will be created in 5,700 hectares and vineyards in 13,000 hectares of land. 

In the year 2017 alone, walnut tree plantations will be created in 2,500 hectares, of which intensive plantations in 2,100 hectares, and vineyards in 6,600 hectares, of which intensive vineyards in 1,300 hectares. 

Into the implementation of these projects, 271 billion soms and 8.4 million dollars will be channelled. This will make it possible to export additional 15,000 tonnes of walnuts and 50,000 tonnes of grapes a year. In 2017-2018, more than 26 thousand new jobs will be created. 

Such a walnut tree plantation will be created in the “Oqtepa unumdor zamin” farm. The country’s President together with honourable elders planted a walnut tree here. 

The Head of State said that as all the other regions of the country, Samarqand also has quite a lot of untapped possibilities. With the use of these possibilities additional incomes can be made, and people’s prosperity can be raised even further. For this, it is necessary to act purposefully and make people more interested in entrepreneurial activity and the rational use of their homesteads. 

Another big project is the keeping of 10,000 goats and 5,000 sheep in farms and farm labourers’ personal homesteads in Qoshrabot District in 2017-2021. This 7.7 billon som project envisages the purchase of 10,000 pedigree goats from Russia, and 5,000 hisor sheep in Surkhondaryo, Qashqadaryo, Navoiy and Tashkent Regions. 

In accordance with a resolution dated 18 December 2015 of the country’s First President, in cooperation with Saudi Arabia, a 36.4 million dollar project to improve the provision of drinking water for Qoshrabot District will be implemented in the years 2017-2018. 

Under this project, 49 water-intake installations will be built in 77 areas of village citizens’ gatherings, and 408.1 km of main water pipes and pipeline networks will be laid. Moreover, 14 pump stations will be constructed. 

The Head of State noted the need to grow fruit trees in Qoshrabot and to export fruits, to develop the district’s stock raising sector and to allocate credits for locals to do this work. 

Umar Asrorov, photo by Alo Abdullayev, UzA

Source: UzA
