The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

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New «E-tax sevices» portal is launched

A new «E-tax sevices» portal of State tax service bodies,, was created and is being tested. The main task of this project is to improve governmental e-services provided to the population and business by the State tax service bodies, decrease their expenses and create more comfort for the taxpayers who use the service.

So, what are the novelties and changes of the new portal?

First of all, when the main page of the «E-tax sevices» portal is opened, an officer of the State tax service gives users a brief explanation of the opportunities of the new portal.

One more advantage of the portal is the possibility to search for the necessary service fast and easy. Thus, all the e-state services of the State tax service bodies are implemented as interactive and informational state services in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «About the E-government».

Also, to facilitate search of services, they are divided into groups like receiving applications and reports, registration, calculation of taxes and receiving information. Besides, an opportunity to choose services for individuals, legal entities and private entrepreneurs was added.

One more novelty is that all taxpayers have and individual personal cabinet now. For example, previously private entrepreneurs were not able to have their personal cabinet. Now opportunities are created for private entrepreneurs as well. Entrance to the private cabinet is changed to the user’s unique identification informational system.

Several novelties are presented to the taxpayer’s in their personal cabinets as well. One of them is that related services are now separated to easily navigated blocks like «Personal information», «Current state of accounts», «Correspondence with the Tax authorities» and «Useful information».

All correspondence with the Tax authorities and news are now gathered in a separate block of the new personal cabinet. Also, when personal cabinet is entered, an up-to-date budget and off-budget information is presented.

A unified standard for all services is developed on the portal to inform taxpayers about use of services. Particularly, now there is a manual for each service user and information about the person responsible for service.

At present there is an opportunity for taxpayers to leave their ideas and evaluate each service; as well as a chance for Tax authorities to learn ideas, proposals and complains of the taxpayers.

We would like to remind that a test version of portal will be functioning for the current month to identify and eliminate shortcomings. During this period, e-state services of the State tax service bodies are available for use in both new and previous systems.

Proposals about functioning of the new portal can be sent to or via the «Contacts» section at portal. Also you can leave your ideas and proposals about each service as a comment directly on service’s web-page.
