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I International Investment Forum “Open Andijan”


On October 19-20, 2019, the I International Investment Forum “Open Andijan” will be held in Andijan region.

It is planned that the Forum will become a platform for building an effective dialogue between the Andijan region and local as well as foreign business community on conducting investment activities in the region, developing measures to improve the investment climate and increasing the volume of attracting investments and economic growth of the Ferghana Valley in whole.

Delegations from more than 20 countries, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Uzbekistan, representatives of international financial institutions, local and foreign media are expected to attend the Forum. In total, more than 500 participants.

The most representative delegation is expected from India. It will be headed by the governor of the state of Gujarat Vijay Rupani, which will undoubtedly be another striking evidence of the increasingly strengthening relations of friendship and partnership between the regions of Uzbekistan and India.

Within the framework of the Forum it is planned to hold:

- bilateral meeting of the governor of Andijan region Shukhrat Abdurakhmanov with the governor of Gujarat Vijay Rupani;

- the grand opening of the branch of Shard University in Andijan;

- Visiting the forum participants of the automobile factory GM Uzbekistan, as well as other enterprises and companies operating in the territory of Andijan region.

The central event of the first day of the forum (October 19) will be the business program of the forum - plenary meeting and working at sections.

At the Youth Palace, participants of the plenary session of the forum will be addressed by the khokim of Andijan region, the heads of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, distinguished foreign guests and investors.

On the first half of the day, in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the forum participants will be familiarized with the exhibition of “Made in Uzbekistan” on investment and industrial potential of the Andijan region, with several export companies as UzAutoMotors JSC, Andijansilkco JV, Sabo Khmakor” LLC, “Nil Granite” LLC, “Macrofarm” LLC and others to demonstrate their export opportunities. Guests will also take part in the work of the sections on the pharmaceutical and light industry, machine-building, construction industries, fruit and vegetable processing.

Within the sections, a fruitful exchange of views on investment projects in Andijan region is expected with the participation of foreign investors, representatives of international financial institutions and entrepreneurs of the region.

Investors are particularly interested in localization investment projects proposed by UzAutoMotors JSC. Obviously, a foreign investor, at first, thinks about the sale of manufactured products. The highlight of the proposed localization investment projects is that they have a guaranteed consumer. For example, an investment project for the assembly of seat belts for all models of cars. The estimated cost of the project is $ 8.6 million, the quality of new jobs created is 92 people, and the annual turnover is $ 12 million and the consumer of 100% manufactured products is “UzAutoMotors” JSC.

There are 17 localization investment projects in the engineering industry that will be presented to foreign investors, where it is expected to attract investments at the amount of $ 280 million and create 1,340 new jobs through the implementation of projects.

As a result of the work of the sections, the signing of specific agreements and contracts in the G2B and B2B format is provided.

On the second day of the Forum (October 20), the Forum participants will get acquainted with the tourism potential of Khanabad city, Andijan region.
