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Republic of Uzbekistan



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The Day of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Exactly 25 years ago, on July 2, 1992, the Law "On the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted. The state emblem is one of the main symbols of the state, embodying the history of the nation, its present and future.

All that we can see on the state emblem - the colors and symbols, has a definite meaning.

It shows the sun, whose rays illuminate the blooming valley.

Mountain Rivers - an eternity of life, wheat on one side of the state emblem - prosperity, a wreath of twigs of cotton on the other - the purity of the intentions and the hearts of the people, boundless national wealth. It is also a centuries-old symbol of farming, the high potential of our country.

The top of the emblem in the form of an octagonal star expresses the unity of the country. Crescent and star - the sacred symbols of faith of the people.

The center of national emblem depicts a bird with open wings Humo. According to the sources, Humo from the ancient times is a bird of welfare and well-being. In the legends that were born many years ago, Humo was considered as a symbol of happiness, good luck, the greatness and nobility.

At the bottom of state emblem, the word "Uzbekistan" is written with sparkling letters. 

The state emblem is also a symbol of great happiness - independence, a source of infinite pride for each of our compatriot, who considers Uzbekistan as their homeland.

According to the Law "On the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan", National emblem depicted on the portals of the buildings of the Office of the President of Uzbekistan, the chambers of the Oliy Majlis, Cabinet of Ministers, the Supreme, Constitutional Court, Supreme Economic Court, ministries, khokimiyats, committees, organizations, government authorities, diplomatic missions and consulates of the country abroad.

It should be noted that the state symbols of the state, especially the State Emblem are protected by law. The Law "On the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" states that citizens and residents of Uzbekistan are obliged to respect the State Emblem.
