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Book Festival


On May 24-25, the Press and Information Agency of Uzbekistan will hold a Book Festival under the motto “Raising the reading culture – an important guarantee of achieving great goals” in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional centers and in the city of Tashkent. 

The main purpose of the Book Festival is to further increase the role of reading books in spiritual and enlightenment life of society, supporting writers and publishers in increasing the volume of literature reflecting the bright memory of our great ancestors, characters of our time, further increasing the place and role of books in education of young generation as intellectually, physically and spiritually harmoniously developed personalities, improving the reading culture. 

Within the framework of the event, which will last two days on Sayilgoh Street in Tashkent, as well as in the centers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions, publishers will organize book exhibitions. A ceremony of awarding winners of the regional stages of the “Exemplary bookstore” competition, various contests will be held. 

Literary evenings, poetic, chess and checkers competitions, performances of famous cultural figures and young talents, performances of the Republican Theater of the Young Spectator, the Republican Puppet Theater and various children’s art groups “Congratulations to book lovers” will be also organized. 

Within two days everyone will be able to take part in the Book Festival, get acquainted with new books, acquire various literature for themselves and their children. 

We invite all book lovers to the Book Festival! 


Organizing Committee
