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Elections to the district Kengashes of people’s deputies of the city of Tashkent


Today is a significant day for residents of the capital of our country. Elections to the district Kengashes of people’s deputies of Tashkent are being held for the first time. 

December 22 of this year is inscribed in the history of Uzbekistan in gold letters. On this day, the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed the Oliy Majlis for the first time in history. This important document reflects the main results of activities carried out in 2017 and the most priority areas of socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2018. 

The Head of our state in his Address specifically focused on the role of parliament, deputies and senators. A critical assessment was made of the activities of people’s representatives, in particular, deputies of local Kengashes. 

According to the reports, there are positive changes in the activities of Kengashes, but these are only figures. But we do not need figures, we need concrete results, said the President. It was emphasized that only when positive changes will take place in the regions, full execution of the budget will be ensured, crime will decrease, the people’s standard of living will improve, and a positive evaluation of activities of Kengashes can be made. 

As it is known, at the suggestion of the President of our country, district Kengashes of people’s deputies will be established in Tashkent. Now the residents of the capital will have the opportunity to take part in management of districts through their elected representatives. 

The process of preparation for the elections to the district Kengashes of people’s deputies of the city of Tashkent was conducted in accordance with national legislation, democratic principles and international standards, as well as in accordance with the resolution of the Central Election Commission “On organizational measures of holding elections to the district Kengashes of people’s deputies of the city of Tashkent”. 

In the district Kengashes of people’s deputies of the city of Tashkent, 30 deputies will be elected among the worthiest candidates in each 11 districts. 330 electoral districts, 855 polling stations are established in the capital, which, in accordance with the legislation, are equipped with modern information and communication facilities. At present, voters are coming to these polling stations. 

1 650 people are registered as candidates for deputies to district Kengashes. All four political parties operating in our country, as well as civil society institutions forwarded their candidates. 

Activeness of voters is being observed at polling stations. 

Ulugbek Asrorov, UzA
