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Day of opening of the monument “Vatanga qasamyod”


Large-scale reforms in the defense sphere have been carried out under the leadership of President, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.

A mobile, well-armed and technically equipped Army, meeting modern requirements and possessing high combat readiness has been created.

Today, military service has become not only constitutional, but also an honorable duty, and the national army has turned into a school, cultivating devotion, perseverance and courage, a reliable guarantee of the territorial integrity of the country and peaceful life of our people.

The Monument “Vatanga qasamyod” (An oath to the Motherland), built in Tashkent by the idea and the initiative of President Islam Karimov, is the embodiment of our deep respect and love for the defenders of the homeland. A soldier, bowing his knee and tenderly pressing his mouth to the national flag, is giving an oath of allegiance to the homeland, expressing readiness at any moment to rise to her defense. His mother, a symbol of the Motherland, who has nurtured and brought up such a brave and devoted son, blesses him.

We are the people, who put above all the honor and pride, loyalty to one's word. Therefore, for our people the adoption of the military oath is not just a formal event, this is an important moment in the life of a young man, when he swears allegiance to the motherland, the President and the people.

Flowers can be seen at the foot of the monument "Vatanga qasamyod" all year round. During the celebrations of the Day of Defenders of the Motherland in our country, the monument is visited by especially a lot of people. Here you can see soldiers, passing military service, cadets of higher military schools and officers, students of secondary schools, high schools and colleges, residents and visitors.

- The Law "On approval of the Concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted in 2012 at the initiative of our Head of State, - says member of the Committee on defense and security of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Komila Karomova. - This concept is an important document in determining the foreign policy strategy of our country in the long term. According to it, Uzbekistan conducts a peaceful policy: it does not join military blocs, do not place the military bases of foreign countries on its territory, does not allow the participation of the military in our country in military operations abroad.

- By laying flowers at the monument "Vatanga qasamyod" we feel a strong desire to become a worthy defender of the country - says a student of secondary school №277 in Sergeli district of the capital Shohruh Makhmudov. - We promise that in the future will become useful to the Motherland, physically and spiritually harmonious developed individuals.

As President Islam Karimov said in his speech at the opening ceremony of the monument "Vatanga qasamyod", " … for all of us there is a powerful factor that adds strength to the armed forces and becomes decisive when necessary: that is, the moral and psychological training of servicemen, their unshakeable willpower and spirit, active civic stance and, what is most important, profound understanding of who and what they are fulfilling their military duty for."

The monument "Vatanga qasamyod" plays an important role in the education of youth in the spirit of love for their native country, loyalty, bravery and courage. After all, defending the motherland as the apple of an eye is a sacred and honorable duty of every citizen of our country.
