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Official statement: 896 cases, 66 recovered and 4 deaths

2020-04-13 | Sog‘liqni saqlash

Head of the State Inspection of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the country Nurmat Otabekov notes:

– The number of registered with coronavirus infection has reached 896 people. According to the Scientific Research Institute of Virology, 30 patients out of 97 treated at the Institute's clinic have signs of pneumonia. Six patients’ condition is assessed as serious and one is relatively serious.
Five patients’ condition out of 104 being treated at the Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases is assessed as serious.
Effective work is being carried out in Uzbekistan to treat patients with coronavirus. To date, 66 people have recovered and been transferred to rehabilitation centers. We hope that this trend will continue. I would like to remind you that more than 80 thousand citizens are under medical supervision. Samples obtained from them are examined in Virology laboratories.
Be careful, please. Cases increase day by day. Everyone is recommended to stay at home. If you go outside, keep social distance.

Manba: O'zA
