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Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan business forum

2018-04-12 | Iqtisodiyot

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan jointly with the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a visit of the delegation of business circles of Aktobe region (Kazakhstan) led by deputy akim of the region M.Abdullin to the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

On April 12, 2018, within the framework of the visit, Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan business forum and cooperation exchange was held with participation of business circles of the two countries. 

As reported by the Press Service of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the event was attended by Kazakhstan companies interested in purchasing fruit and vegetable products, in the textile industry, designing objects, as well as plant growing and cattle breeding. 

During the event, participants were informed on large-scale economic reforms that are being carried out in Uzbekistan, measures taken on liberalizing the economy and foreign exchange market, improving the business environment, supporting business, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of small businesses and private entrepreneurship, increasing the country’s investment attractiveness, as well as conditions for foreign investors in existing and newly created FEZs. 

The head of the delegation emphasized the positive dynamics of Uzbekistan’s economic growth, the efforts of the government of the republic on liberalizing various sectors of the economy, creating necessary conditions for foreign investors. 

Following the joint business forum, B2B meetings were held between the business circles of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. 

It should be noted that 2018 was declared as the year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan. In 2017, the trade turnover increased by 8.6% and amounted to $2,062.0 million. Currently, there are 281 enterprises with participation of Kazakhstan capital in Uzbekistan (238 joint enterprises and 43 enterprises with 100% of Kazakhstan capital). Representative offices of 14 companies of Kazakhstan are accredited in the country. 

The visit of the delegation will last till April 13 this year. In accordance with the program of the visit, the delegation will participate in the cultural program “Days of Almaty region in Uzbekistan”, visit a number of enterprises of the republic for production of agricultural machinery, textiles, dried fruit and vegetable products, as well as a technopark in Tashkent. 
