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A group of tourists from Pakistan visited Uzbekistan

2018-04-02 | Turizm

As reported by the Press Service of the State Committee on Development of Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a group of tourists from Pakistan arrived in Uzbekistan on pilgrimage tourism program. Visiting Samarkand once, the organizer of this trip, Mr. Qasim Ali Shah was so impressed that he gathered a group of tourists from his country, having advertised his past trip to Uzbekistan. The audience of his channel on YouTube has more than half a million subscribers, and this time 135 people arrived with him. 

Representatives of the State Committee on Development of Tourism, Uzbekistan Airways, local travel companies, hotels and of the mass media met the tourists from Pakistan at Tashkent International Airport named after Islam Karimov. 

In his interview to Uzbekistan’s journalists, the group leader warmly responded about Uzbekistan, its history, culture, historical sights, traditions and customs of people of Uzbekistan, as well as rapidly developing relations between the two countries. He noted that, despite the huge tourism potential of the country, in particular in the sphere of pilgrimage tourism, Uzbekistan is a little-known country. He also noted that he wants to help the whole world know about Uzbekistan and will promote it through social networks, because this is a very powerful tool in marketing. 

Qasim Ali Shah is famous journalist in Pakistan, the owner of a network of several hundred education schools for children, a writer, a philanthropist. 

During the cognitive tour in Samarkand and Bukhara cities, 135 tourists from Pakistan will become acquainted with rich ancient history of Uzbekistan. 

After the pilgrimage to sacred places in Uzbekistan, the guests will depart for their homeland in Lahore on April 4. 

Manba: O'zA
